Bass geeks rejoice.....New Rush CD and tour!

Saw Rush about 15 years ago and it was such a natural high. They take the audience to a higher level of consciousness or something like that......Anyway, Alex was a lot goofier onstage that I expected him to be. Very nice vibe given off that is for sure.
I've seen them twice and last years 30th Anniversary tour was awesome! I'll probably be at the Irvine gig since it's closest and I have really good seats. :)

For those of you that listen to Rockline, Rush is going to be guests on the show on May 9th with an Encore of that show on the 14th.
I'll go to either the San Diego show or the LA show. I haven't got tickets yet so I'll probably end up paying some obscene amount going through a broker.... but this is one of my favorite bands so I'd like to get a decent seat. I was at the 30th Anniversary show in LA and it was really great ~ they played two sets with an intermission.
You all should join me up here and see them at Red Rocks, the most magical venue there is IMHO. Red Rocks is a great hang, day or night, even when there isn't a band. If I hear Xanadu live there I fear my brain will explode.

For those who haven't seen it, the Rush In Rio DVD from the 30th anniversary tour is one of the best ever! Beautiful moment with Geddy and Alex after "Resist". What a band. And there's nothing like playing those air drums along with the Prof on Tom Sawyer!:lol:
Yeah but those Brazilians made that concert. I mean, singing along to "YYZ"? Neil has noted that since RiR came out, he's seen American audiences singing along to "YYZ" as well.

But I'll say this: I'd rather they do "The Main Monkey Business" instead of "YYZ". Wait till you hear this track. It so owns.

Really, Ged is the star of the record. Some insane bass playing. Even plays a fretless on one track. You'll like it, Steph. :)
Got tickets through a co-worker, as the person he originally was going to sell them to is slacking... I'm pumped up to see them again!

I'll prolly pick up the new album tonight.... by the by, when is that new album due out again, ladies?
It's out. I've had it for 3 weeks though, since it leaked onto IRC. :D I'm waiting for the deluxe CD, which has a DVD on the making of the album, due next month.