Bass pedal for live and studio use.


Jan 21, 2010
I'm sure this has been covered many times before, but what would be a good pedal for coloration of my bass rig for when I use it live?
I'm in a deathcore/metalcore band and I'm using an Avatar 4x10 and a Peavey Max 450.

I'm not too fond of the tone so would you all suggest the good old Sansamp Bass Driver, or what?

I'd also probably end up using it for recording or re-amp bass as well, so name some pedals that would suit me for live and recording.
The BDI is great. The VT works nice as well, but it's a whole different thing - more amp-like and closer to a real tube-feeling. Less dirt, distortion and presence (IMHO the BDI is all about that one knob). These two work quite good as a team: BDI -> VT.
You may wanna try a tube screamer in front of your amp (don't leave all the good things to those guitarplayers). Or even in front of the BDI.

If you got more money to spend, try the EBS Micro Bass II. It kicks some serious ass.

Oh... and see if you can get your hands on an used Aphex Exciter (an old Type B would do). It will convert your strings to "ultimatemetal" and should be quite cheap!