Bass Pedals


New Metal Member
Sep 27, 2002
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Hi Ed (if you see this!)

Firstly kudos to you all for the stunning music. :cool:

I noted you used bass pedals and I'm sure I hear them
on Blink (Under Fire to name one)

Being a big fan of Genesis and their Moog Taurus pedals,
I just wondered what you used?

Do you tour with them?

Thanks in advance!

.......Bass pedals - born to demolish stadiums! :headbang:
Hey Sticks

Thanks for the kudos first off!

Funny you should ask :lol:

We usually just use a board on the recordings for obvious reasons? Better sounds etc?

Live I have been using some Fast Forward Midi Steps for some time now. Like from the first shows in 91. I simply run them through a OB 1000 module. Although I am thinking of changing some things up maybe even running them through a keyboard now. We shall see? I have not used the Taurus Pedals only becasue they are so tempermental. Not reliable? Although I do have a line on some at the moment? And they sound great so I am tempted?

Unfortuanatly upon opening the case for my Pedals at Nearfest the circuit board was cracked and I had to grab some Roland pedals backstage last minute with no hold button :cry: So I had to stand on the damn pedals in amny parts which pretty much sucked! Needless to say I left some parts out!

Actually I am having both mine and Dougs repaired at the moment and we plan to have a duel attack in the future?

I am a huge fan of any Pedal use especially when they shake stadiums! You do hear them on Under Fire and many other Enchant songs! I think the loudest ones I ever heard were Chris Squires? when I saw three or four people next to me and there was only one really? Vibration! :confused: