Bass Players and Keyboardists!!!!


New Metal Member
Jul 29, 2003
I'm in Chicago area band called ABOLISHER that is currently looking for a bass player and keyboardist. If your interested and live in the Chicagoland/ Northwest Indiana area or are looking to relocate. Please read the flyer below and drop us an email. Thank you!!

ABOLISHER has a unique, flexible sound and is in search of a bassist and keyboardist. Must be creative, dependable and willing to put forth the time, effort and dedication it takes to build and maintain a successful band. Any backing vocal experience is a plus. Some of our influences are Nevermore, Sentenced, Dream Theater, Soilwork, Opeth, Led Zeppelin, In Flames and Angra but are not exact examples of how we sound. We have previously released a 4 song e.p. and have established a good rapport on the local scene, in many areas of the country and internationally. Currently we are preparing new material for our next recording session.

If you’re interested, would like to hear a sample of our music or would like more information, please email us at
We smelled the greasepaint in the air,
They stumbled into town last night, completely unaware,
Clad in shirts of mesh and with mascara on their eyes
We saw a keyboard player and we knew they had to die.

They played a show at Ivan's Inn,
From underneath the stage we heard the caterwauling din,
They sang of forests, elves, and trolls,
The urge to kill them on the spot we barely could control

After the show they all got drunk,
Apparently to celebrate a set that really stunk,
To the graveyard they predictably paid call,
These lords of chaos whined about their tour bus being small

They spoke of Norway and "the scene"
The sound of laughing Ghouls reverberated through the trees
"We should take some pictures!" the one in chain mail said,
"That's it." Cremator growled, "It's time these idiots were dead."

They scattered like rats when they saw Ghoul attack,
The drummer was the first to go, a hook in his back
Machetes were sinking into painted flesh
Carnage and gore soaking leather and mesh
The keyboardist begged but Fermentor just laughed
We hacked off his hands and then chopped him in half
The vocalist was strangled with his very guts
His female back-up expired from her cuts

Splattering brain pans as a matter of course
Violently murdering with no fucking remorse

Their bassist, to a boobytrap, paid a toll
His head having gained five or six extra holes
The blood from his mouth made a hot, steamy treat
We savoured the moment, then sawed off his feet
Both of the guitarists made a run for the gate
Digestor cut them off and sealed their fate
One of them cried while the other was killed,
His tears did no good as his skull was still drilled

Slicing and dicing, our fanatic obsession
Of slaughtering poseurs, we've made a profession
In our forbidden...
Forbidden crypts!!!
Pyrus said:
Wow, your band must suck.

Pyrus, blow me! Blow me real good!
You suck cock, like your mother never could.
You say we must suck, and I can only say that it's true.

Fuck you very much!
Tyrant777 ;-)

To all of the mature people on this post. Thank you very much for taking time to read this thread.
You know, if you put a good thrash riff under that I would headbang to it before I shanked you.

I also find it amusing that you're thanking the mature people on this thread, but I'm not sure if I find it amusing because you're taking my comment in good humor and replying in kind, or because you're an idiot. Please clarify.

dsm said:
dont worry man, reuben doesnt like good music :)
Yeah, I like shitty bands like Distorted Mind.
Pyrus said:
You know, if you put a good thrash riff under that I would headbang to it before I shanked you.

You'd probably try to shank my asshole with your tongue Pyrus. Thanks, but no thanks. Now that I've CLARIFIED that you're a jackass, I will bid you good day and let you get back to your homo-erotic activities of getting your face cock slapped by your daddy while jerking off to pictures of Lemmy.

Since I will no longer waste my time responding to this dungeon & dragons playing, pocket protector wearing, wannabe metalhead geek, everyone else on the board please feel free to make fun of PYRUS THE COCK SLAYER and any other dork in this forum who tries to talk shit because he/ she thinks they will impress us.

Thank you! \m/
Tyrant777 said:
I'm in Chicago area band called ABOLISHER that is currently looking for a bass player and keyboardist. If your interested and live in the Chicagoland/ Northwest Indiana area or are looking to relocate. Please read the flyer below and drop us an email. Thank you!!

ABOLISHER has a unique, flexible sound and is in search of a bassist and keyboardist. Must be creative, dependable and willing to put forth the time, effort and dedication it takes to build and maintain a successful band. Any backing vocal experience is a plus. Some of our influences are Nevermore, Sentenced, Dream Theater, Soilwork, Opeth, Led Zeppelin, In Flames and Angra but are not exact examples of how we sound. We have previously released a 4 song e.p. and have established a good rapport on the local scene, in many areas of the country and internationally. Currently we are preparing new material for our next recording session.

If you’re interested, would like to hear a sample of our music or would like more information, please email us at
I'm very very interested, but unfortunately i live in Europe right now and i'm guitarist. But i hope it makes no problems... :loco: