Bass rigs? ¯\(°_o)/¯


Bulging Member
Mar 6, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Bassists of the forum, assemble!

Bass player in my band had his car broken into, most of his gear stolen a couple of months ago. Recently received a $2000 cheque from the insurance company for it all; he knows sweet-fuck-all about bass gear, and I'm really no better. We're a 6-peice band; vocals, guitars (x2), bass, keys (lots of 'em), and drums; keeping pace with two well-equipped guitarists and a very aggressive drummer in rehearsals will be important.

So; $2000 (AUD), needs an amp (head, or pre/power racky goodness) and at least a 4x10 cab. Fire away!
There's a second hand Eden Traveller 550 at Concept music in Wembley for $995. Get on it. Pair it with either an Eden cab or anything else you like. I enjoy Mark Bass cabinets, but its pretty personal.
I really liked GK cabs back when I had my GK 700rbII to pair it with.
Check out the Neo cabinet series, pretty light weight.
but what I've heard from eden so far is also very tasty.
I like marbass amps a lot but not their cabs. their voicing just isn't for me.
maybe check out ashdown or genz benz also.
That tiny terror bass head is awful imo. He'll need to run something in front of it, tell him to get a one of the sans amp bass driver DI's, run it out front as a boost.
That tiny terror bass head is awful imo. He'll need to run something in front of it, tell him to get a one of the sans amp bass driver DI's, run it out front as a boost.
Yikes!! Don't know if I'd recommend he does that.

I'm fairly certain he doesn't want to put any effort into this; he is of the opinion that anything will do on stage and that the sound guy can fix anything. Seems to want to spend more time and money making himself look pretty on stage instead of getting half decent gear.

Still, I'm sure there's a drive/fuzz pedal out there that will make it not suck as bad.

SVT Classic, Mesa 400+, Gallien Kruger, or Eden head.

Ampeg 8x10.


Not for $2000 in this country. An Ampeg fridge alone would cost in excess of his budget. Would be a killer setup though.