Advice needed for a bass amp


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
We've had some personal switches in the band. This means one of our guitar player is moving to bass. Our previous bass player is a nice guy and fortunatelly he offered us to use his amp and cab till we got things sorted out.

We already got a decent bass guitar (Fender Jazz Bass USA Highway One).
Now we're on the hunt for a decent amp. There's not a set budget, but it would be great if we could keep it under the 400/500 euro range.

I've read reviews on the Gallien Krueger 1001RB which would probably work great for us. It's pretty hard to get second hand here, so I'm trying to broaden our options. Any other ideas?
Our goal is to eventually get an Ampeg 4x10 to support the current Ampeg 1x15 cabinet also.
well our bass player just uses the power section of his ampeg b2re, but i guess a normal ass PA poweramp can do the same job probably even better, but I hope someone more knowledgeable can chime in and back up (or disprove) my assumption

Thanks, I'll wait for more replies then. On the current set we use a Hartke HA3500 350W. I guess first getting the sansamp rbi and after that decent poweramp would be a good idea.
I'd personally recommend the RPM over the RBI. The two are very similar, but the RBI will do the warm R&B style a bit better whereas the RPM has more gain on tap and a mid sweep if you're looking for more clank/grind in your tone. I have both.