Bass tone problem


Apr 17, 2009
In my other thread titled 'first PROPER mix' ive used this bass tone:

that i made using line 6 subdub..i've had a few comments on the low-end of the mix and was wondering if any of you pod users could try out the tone on your own pods and tell me what you think might be too much or lacking in the tone. I'd rather get the issue sorted in the recording stage so that there isnt overpresent farty low end bobbing about as there currently seems to be!

i realise it might be difficult to tell without the mix materials as welll but try and look at it from a general metal bass tone point of view.

Thanks guys:)
come on guys....the lack of effort to reply to any of my posts is just getting ridiculous now..i need feedback!
if the pod tones aren't getting enough lowend just go straight into the saffire and track DI, duplicate the track, and have one be for lowend (perhaps rbass if you have it?) and put some ampsims or bass impulses on the other one. podfarm, perhaps?
my saffire doesnt seem to work in bootcamp...could i just d.i with the pod?