Bass Trap - One 8' High, or Two 4' High Stacked?


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
Getting ready to start building my Bass Traps tomorrow. I have 8' high ceilings. I'm debating if I should just make 1 single 8' high trap in each corner, or make two 4' high panels and stack them. The 4' solution has the benefits of being easier to assemble, and I can make them so they go tight up against the ceiling, however the parting line will end up at right about the level that my monitors will be at (I don't kinow if that matters or how much if anything it will reduce the effectiveness). Also, if I ever move out of that room I'll have panels that can be used wherever.

The 8' has the benefit of being a solid member from floor to ceiling and needs a little less material, but I'll have to make it a little shorter than 8' so I can clear the celing when I go to stand it up. Plus it will probably be more difficult to assemble, but easier to mount.

What do you guys think? If the parting line thing doesn't matter then 4' all the way I think. What are the rest of you doing?
Well, you pretty much answered your question, it's just a matter of preferences. I'd say the parting line won't make a noticeable difference.

Nevertheless, for my last traps I went with the taller option so I can just put them against the wall and not bother mounting them. It also meant less frames and cutting fabric.
wow thanks for that eddy! I never thought about doing it that way. Ill definitely be doing that with my new room once its finished! Looks very slick, and would be soooo cheap to do! I could do my whole room for a couple hundred bucks!
Well, superchunks aren't exactly cheap considering the amount of rockwool/oc you need but I agree they are the best option and absolutely worth it. You'd still need a few panels to go with them, to avoid early reflections.
I considered super chunks but honestly the price was pretty expensive and I don't forsee myself being in this room for a long time. I decided to go with 2 4' panels. I forgot to mention that they are 32" wide, instead of the usual 24". With that width 8' high panels would have been a pain in the ass to assemble and move.