Acoustic Panels - How high off the floor?


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
Hey guys, just finished building my panels and realized: "shit, how high up do I mount these?" Bottom of my monitors are about 40" off the ground and they're a foot tall. Panels are 2' x 4'. Ceiling is 8' high. Do I want to mount them so they're about centered vertically with my monitors?
A trick I know for placing acoustic panels is this:
You sit in you listening position and have someone else slide a mirror over the walls in your room. Every place where you can see your monitors in the mirror is a good place for a panel.

Wether it's a good one, I'm not sure, but somehow it does make sense to me.
Will you be putting them on the wall behind and to the sides of the monitors, or corners? How many pannels in total?

2 directly in front, 2 left & 2 right of monitoring position, 1 Left & 1 Right slightly behind me, 1 on wall behind me turned sideways, & 4 basstraps. 2" Foam going on ceiling because the ceiling can't support a trap. Celing slopes behind me, putting a mixture of absorption & diffuser panels on that part.

I'm using 36 2" sheets doubled up for 4" thick. It pretty much covers the whole room horizontally but not vertically.

I know about the mirror trick, was thinking that's for horizontal placement, didn't dawn on me it would work for vertically too..

DOH! I'm a moron.
The mirror trick is perfect for first reflections. From reading, it sounds like you are using one foot square panels (aurelex type). I would say find the first reflection points, and us that as the middle of four panels. That always seemed to give the best results in my experience.