Battle Beast


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
I had heard the name of this band tossed around for ages now, mostly through PR mailings.

A friend on Facebook posted their new video today and I decided to check it out.

WOwsers. I'm a hard sell on female vocals but this is pretty damn awesome. It has an old school feel with an updated sound. It should definitely appeal to others here. Voice reminds me of Leather Leone at times.


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I think I check them before, but not thoroughly. I may have to revisit the band.
I finally got the full CD the other day by Battle Beast.

Wow wow wow. What a great disc!

While listening to it, I couldn't help but have thoughts of the following bands/albums run through my head:

Loudness - Soldier of Fortune
UDO - Animal House
Accept - old and Russian Roulette
Children of Bodom (musically, not vocally)
Fifth Angel - Time will Tell

I was also constantly getting 80s Hard rock/Hair Metal vibes - but not the typical "hits" type releases - more of the off the beaten path kind of bands.

This is a killer release. The female vocalist is out of this world, very strong voice (and I'm a hard sell on female vocals).

The songs are well crafted, almost calculated (without being blatantly cookie cutter). If I had to pick my biggest complaint (nit picking) it would be that they could have been more creative with the lyrics on the choruses.

All in all, this is a contender for album of the year for me. Loving it!