Son of Crom
BastardSonOfGod - 32
CadenZ - 26
Tumn - 14 I heit teh ENTR-spamrz too...or nawh I dont bu yo getz da seiv enivei
Flal - 22
sir schwanzelot - 4 OMG you iz ded soon!!! hauw kam?
PS. How do y'all like my Finnish/Internjetski lingo? I, for one, love it...but then again...I might be a little subjective. Which is the only right thing of course but...yeah ya know, I dount kheör!! EHAHEHAHAHEHAH
CadenZ - 26
Tumn - 14 I heit teh ENTR-spamrz too...or nawh I dont bu yo getz da seiv enivei
Flal - 22
sir schwanzelot - 4 OMG you iz ded soon!!! hauw kam?
PS. How do y'all like my Finnish/Internjetski lingo? I, for one, love it...but then again...I might be a little subjective. Which is the only right thing of course but...yeah ya know, I dount kheör!! EHAHEHAHAHEHAH