

May 1, 2004
Swamps of despair
im just wounderin what everyone else thinks of battlelore. i figure ill give them some promotion to help widen there fan base with hopes soon the tour the states. if you havent herd em yet id recomend you check them out. i think they kick butt as long as your not one of those ppl who only listen to goregrind and nsbm. they are up there on my list of fav power metalish type bands.
u can check em out at and they got some mp3s under disco. that you can check out
"True Arctic Fantasy Metal" --> gay?

No Sir, I don't like it.


Some of you guys must have poo in yr ears, Battlelore is great .... maybe to sound kewl you need growling & 1 week old greassy hair and a shirt with inverted cross? come on now .... people should look past the dress code ,... and give credit to their music. If a band feels like bringing the Tolkien world to life with its music that's great. At least I can appreciate that better than 1/2 the DM bands out there playing the same old boring stuff.
Belgar said:
Some of you guys must have poo in yr ears, Battlelore is great .... maybe to sound kewl you need growling & 1 week old greassy hair and a shirt with inverted cross? come on now .... people should look past the dress code ,... and give credit to their music. If a band feels like bringing the Tolkien world to life with its music that's great. At least I can appreciate that better than 1/2 the DM bands out there playing the same old boring stuff.
Personally I love bands that are inspired by Tolkien. I think the costumes Battlelore use are pretty cool, but from what I remember of the music it was just too light.

Edit: Just gave the samples on their site another listen, I think it's mostly the vocals that kill it for me. It reminds me too much of Raventhrone.
the sound has no power, the melodies are boring.

and something is for sure: if you paint your face green like an Orc and run around with swords on the stage, your not "true" at all... except you're Black Metal :Smug:

well...hmm...SLAAAYYAAAR :wave:
I love them, they're damn awesome!

Although I find what they catogorize them selves as redundant, its just getting silly when it reaches 'True Arctic Fantasy Metal'
Arctic? Where the hell did Artic come from?
Belgar said:
arctic, synonym = glacial, cold, frigid,... fits the Tolkien realm.

Arctic hardly fits Arda, there are few places in the books where really cold places exist. A. The Grinding Ice B. The Lake where the Lossoth live

C. Why are we discussing this on the Amon Amarth board?:p
It's not so power or speed, i would say it's very melodic cleansound death metal, like Insomnium, Sentenced and maybe even some gothenburg bands.
They sound pretty cool.

Yeah, I can like any type of Metal.:tickled:

Oh, but they look like they like Dungeons and Dragons a bit too much.

I should shut up, because well I am being a hypocrite. Look at my signature and you'll see why.;)

One last thing: I love how they named one of their songs "Swordmaster". It is something Triumph the Insult Comic Dog would make fun of.
thanks. nice to see someone gives a shit.
couldnt have asked for much more.
got the season one reno 911 dvd. fuck yeah.
unleashed poster. some stickers. bottle of jager. some illegal fireworks. thyrfing cd i been after for a while s/t. somethin else. whatever. good stuff :D
the party isnt gonna be til tomorrow though... err.r.. today. it got postponed due to rain. :(