
hell yeah thats how i was at first. first time i was like.... man these guys kinda suck... then i just replayed the song again to make sure and the second time around i was like "HOLY SHIT THESE GUYS ARE FUCKING AWSOME!". But yeah. shes pretty hot...
song thats always stuck in my head is war of wrath.
Arwald said:
"True Arctic Fantasy Metal" --> gay?

No Sir, I don't like it.


haha she's a fuckin elf
I'm a pretty big Tolkien fan, so I'd love to love these guys, but I downloaded Sons of Riddermark and a few others from their website, and it seemed to me that instead of actual lyrics, they just rattled off names from The Lord of the Rings. Do they do this a lot or are there songs with better lyrics? Or should I stop measuring "Tolkien-inspired" songs against Nightfall in Middle-Earth?
I havnt heard their second album, but alot of their first album is quite Tolkein inspired, and most of the lyrics actually tell something about something/someone/somewhere etc. Good stuff anyway.
I downloaded all of the Samples and first i thought: "What a terrible band!".
Then the next day (today) i listened again to the sample of "Sons of Riddermark" and now i cant stop listening to it over and over again! I think those guys are fucking awesome. Gonna buy "Swords Song" today.

P.S.: Happy Birthday.
ya swords song is pretty awsome. my favorite songs from there are war of wrath and silent caverns. they are always in my head.... and i cant get them out.... and it keeps growing stronger.... like cancer!!!! =\
Since i listen to AA I don't have the need to listen to a band that sounds (or tries to sound) similar to AA........ That is't a dissing thing, just a statement.