
Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
That would be awesome if you could make it brutha Clay.

YOU RULE MY BRUTHA and I know Suspyre will have their time with many cool shows.


Man, it would utterly rule if Redemption could play the two day festival. I can't make it up there to see you guys play together in March, but I can make it in May...

Unfortunately Redemption is not playing the Bay Are Rock Fest,they are heading over to Europe right after the March show and then they have Prog Power USA lined up later this year. maybe next time around...
This show is going to excellent now that we have all the bands confirmed.
We(Timeline) are looking forward to a great show as well as sharing the stage with a lot of our friends from right here in the Bay(Z.H. & Enchant)
Cheers Gents!:kickass:

An update:



Bay Area Rock Promotions is pleased to announce the return of Crimson Glory as a co-headliner in the inaugural Bay Area Rock Fest in San Francisco. Crimson Glory marks the return of “Astronomica” vocalist Wade Black by playing for the first time in 16 years as a US headliner with the original lineup of Jon Drenning, Jeff Lords, Ben Jackson and Dana Burnell as well as Jessie Rojas.

“I am excited to have Crimson Glory mark our 25th anniversary by headlining the Bay Area Rock Fest” comments guitarist/songwriter Jon Drenning “We promise to make our fans attending the show from San Francisco and around the world bleed Crimson Glory!”

Due to visa issues, Angra will not be performing at the festival as previously announced.

UK based Balance of Power returns to the United States for the first time in 6 years with new lead vocalist Corey Brown from Magnitude 9 and Section 16. Corey’s soulful pipes add a whole new dimension to the strong songwriting and rhythmic foundation anchored by Tony Ritchie, Pete Southern and Lionel Hicks. They will be performing a variety of songs from their 12 year career, plus a few new songs.

Mob Rules from Germany makes their debut appearance in the United States after 5 critically acclaimed albums. After establishing themselves in Europe playing with acts like the Scorpions, Dio, Symphony X, Savatage and Helloween as well as the legendary Wacken Open Air festival, their blend of melodic and progressive metal is destined to make a huge impact in the USA. These elements are featured prominently in the 25 minute opus “Ethnolution” off their new album “Ethnolution AD” available on SPV Records.

“I am excited to add the progressive metal talents of Crimson Glory, Balance of Power and Mob Rules to enhance the existing lineup of the best of worldwide progressive rock and metal.” comments David Hatchell, the festival organizer. “We have elevated the Bay Area back to the leading US destination for thought-provoking and hard-charging rock and roll.”

Bay Area Rock Fest will take place on Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th at The Independent in San Francisco. Other acts on the bill that have been previously announced are Jon Oliva’s Pain, Spocks Beard, Enchant, Zero Hour, Eyefear, Timeline and Odins Court. Tickets will go on sale February 18th at the Independent box office and through Only 500 tickets will be made available to the public. Ticket costs will be $85.00 for the festival covering both nights. There will be a limited number of VIP sponsorships available for individual patrons. Additional sponsorships are also available.

For more information visit or
Sponsorship and media inquiries can be addressed to
The Independent’s website is
QR: Yup, I scored my ticket the other day! Gonna be sweet to see Zero Hour again. I loved seeing you guys at ProgPower than again at Jaxx! Now in friggan San Fran! Kick-ass!
Hey everyone!

My first post here on the ZH forum, but I come bearing gifts.

Check out all the pictures and videos shot at Bay Area Rock Fest 2007! Including specifically...

A Few Pictures of Zero Hour On Stage

Pictures of People & Suff
-- many of which include members of the Zero Hour family
Don't miss this one when Jasun and Christina got "the surprise"! I'll let Jasun tell you -- I don't want to steal his thunder!

A video clip of Zero Hour on stage
Jasun, Troy, Chris, and Christina, it was great seeing/meeting all of you. (Mike, missed you this time -- hopefully next time!)

There are so many people to thank!

Of course, David for putting himself on the line and assuming the risk to put together a killer show - GREAT JOB! You are such a nice guy, and a hard/smart worker! It was great to meet you in person, and I look forward to seeing you out on the east coast. You have my number - let me know when you're in town!

And the guys in Zero Hour - we're all family, and they are the coolest katz around. Such nice guys, and their talent makes me want to give up music every time I see them; I just can't keep up. You rock for getting us in touch with Dave and helping us get to the west coast, and even more so for your generous and giving manner! Can't wait to see you again!

Enchant totally ROCKED. It was cool to meet several of you guys in person - hopefully we can do shows together sometime (an Enchant, Zero Hour, OC package would be killer).

Bear and all the rest of the staff - very professional. Given the tight schedule and stressful equipment situation, we had a lot of support and friendly help.

Of course: DREW! He's the man driving everyone around! 3 hours sleep over 48 hours? CRAZY!

And extra special thanks to all the fans and our friends who came from all over the country. There was a mix up with the ticket time, so we went on earlier than expected and many people missed us. :( But those who were there were very loud and into it, and it made us feel honored to play for everyone.

To everyone I forgot - thanks to you too!

Sounds like a great show. The video clip is awasome so thanks Sharward for that.
I would love to see you guys rip it up in the states sometime who knows I might come over