Bay Area Thrash, and some (check this out, I hope it works...)


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I saw this on the thread of ULTIMATE METALS TOP 100 BANDS and thought it was pretty fucking cool. Here goes:

R.I.P.-Paul Baloff :guh: !:kickass:

A sign of the times,huh?
Kon16ov said:
Man, you could die happy with that list, eh?
haha i could die happy if i didnt hear any of those bands ever again. testament is going in an interesting direction...but the rest you can drop in the refuse bin.
That's probably because you don't know the rest, hahaha!

And if you do, yet still only keep those two, then you're stupid.
neal said:
haha i could die happy if i didnt hear any of those bands ever again. testament is going in an interesting direction...but the rest you can drop in the refuse bin.

Dude, have you heard anything by DEATH ANGEL. They are fucking killer. I do agree that present day Metallica sucks ass, as did the past few Megadeth albums. But both bands earlier works are classic. That's why I put "a sign of the times" below all the bands, because some of the bands aren't around anymore/or are on hiatus such as FORBIDDEN, SACRED REICH, S.O.D. But, every band mentioned has played an influential role in "Heavy Metal" whether you call it "Thrash/Speed/Death/etc..." and have released "classic" albums/cassettes/C.D.'s. Also, TESTAMENT, SLAYER, ANTHRAX, OVER KILL, ANNIHILATOR, SEPULTURA, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, and CORROSION OF CONFORMITY are still going strong after all these years. NUCLEAR ASSAULT and DEATH ANGEL have reformed and are touring and releasing "new" material. So, there is a demand and fans of the afore mentioned bands.

But, If you don't like any of the above, I can respect your opinion. However, like I mentioned before, all have been very influential.
thrash bores me. yes many were influencial, good for them, but that doesnt mean any of their albums will ever touch my cd player. i listened to some old metallica a few weeks ago for the first time in at least a year or two. it sounded dated and very very slow. it was pretty lame actually, and i dont plan on giving them another listen anytime soon. testament however, has evolved.