BB Kings recap


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
This show was completely packed! I felt like I was standing in a huge can of sardines. The band was even tighter than the last time I saw them which was October of 2006. They have truly gelled together and are just unstoppable. Skolnik looks so happy to be up there as he is dancing in place and doing a lot of jumping up and down. It was hilarious when Chuck handed the mic over to Greg Christian and put him on the spot. I did not realize just how shy that guy is. Chuch confirmed that they will indeed be on tour with Judas Priest and Motorhead (I didn't hear him mention Heaven and Hell but I know they are the headliners of the package). He said they will be the first band on and will not do any talking just play a very heavy 30 minute set every night. The pit was just insanity tonight and the crowd surfing was awesome. MTV was there and I am sure they got lots of great footage.

Over The Wall
Into The Pit
Apocalyptic City
The New Order
Practice What You Preach
Electric Crown
More Than Meets The Eye
Trail of Tears
Henchmen Ride
The Evil Has Landed
Souls of Black

3 Days In Darkness
Alone In The Dark
Disciples of the Watch