Be Creative: Funny Descriptions of Audio...

Post up the funniest things you've ever heard people say about the sound on albums/live etc.

I just came up with this one:

"The hi hat sounds like a fucking moth caught in a lampshade!"

Dissing of the "St Anger" snare sound is, as ever, welcome. :D

Edit: I was referring to the Devolved album "Calculated," clearly an easy target, for anyone that had the misfortune to hear it...
A famous producer trying to show off while he was producing a salsa/latin band said to the recording engineer: "can we D.I. the congas?!.... I like the "pok" sound!..."
"your snare is killing me, it sounds like you're pounding a propane tank with a crescent wrench"... my brother said that to a local band's drumer who opened for us, after a show a couple years ago. The guy looked wounded as I pissed myself laughing.
Basketball bouncing off of a control room window. I think thats a kick on one of the Clearmountain disks. Pretty funny.
Frank'nfurter said:
Belive it or not. At a recording session few weeks ago the drummer ask me for a big mirror he needs in front of his drumset. "I even play better if I see myself playing" was his explanation. :loco: :loco:
I bet his girlfriend loves that.
I used to have my drums set up in my bedroom, right next to a mirror, since it was the only space big enough, and the mirror just so happened to be there. It really does help when you're watching what you're doing, at least it did for me. Guitar, however, it a totally different story.

The funniest audio description ever, I feel can be found from The Grimoire:

Ajjatara - Iamfaggot (Spikefarm)
Nothing says “faggot” like a nice gay piano introducing a song, especially when it’s just one note at a time, as if some homo is jumping on a trampoline and every time he comes down his dick slaps a random piano key. As you may have guessed, this is incredibly gay black metal, further queerified by the hal-assed screechy vocals that are combined with dance-club anal-cavity vocals. These musicians are as confused about which style of music they are playing as they are about their sexuality. If you happen to see them at the next faggot party, tell them that dicks should only be inserted into women, and see if that helps them make a better album.
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