Beacon Last Night (10/02) Guest Vocalist


Feb 2, 2002
No one has mentioned the surprise guest vocalist last night (during Anthrax's set) at the Beacon theater......
Hmmmmm.... who was it?
I guess we'll have to wait until someone tells us....??
Oh for f*cks sakes....buncha damn c*ck teasers on this board! :p
Chuck D from Public Enemy did BTN with them. Chuck sang (rapped) all the verses, John only sang on the choruses. It was the best version of BTN live since John joined the band because Chuck D is a better rapper than John (no big shock there). My DAT audio of it came out pretty damn nice (except for the short drop outs of digital noise during WDD). :headbang:
I'll try to find someone (Justin?) to post it on Sharing The Groove or Easytree or whatever. I don't really have time to be making and mailing snail mail trades for a bunch of people. I'm fine though with all you guys downloading it for free and enjoying it.....just don't sell any copies for profit! I'm making this available for free so, don't be a douche. :D