Beard trimmers

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Shaving is really fucking irritating my skin (I have pretty bad acne on my chin.. it seems to be getting better but every time I shave it just goes fuckoff bad). I only shave every week or so preferably.. whats something that'll keep it that length all the time [lengthwise maybe 3mm? Just before it starts getting itchy], with the least irritation possible? Or is any trimmer going to irritate my skin even more (no idea how they work)?
You tried moisturising after you shave?

I know it might seem really obvious, but I get really blotchy red skin around the mouth after I shave and it definitely helps cool off the irritation.
I have a small beard/ goatee which I keep short with normal hair clippers. I sometimes use the clippers on my face/ neck when i CBF with a full shave. As long as you have an attachment on them there shouldn't be any irritation IME. Also chaper than the male "trimmers".
I use a hair clipper with 1mm every week or so.
I hate shaving, it's skin irritating, cold and i love my beard :)

Just shave the contours and I#m good to go, takes 5 mins.

Go for beards!
Use astringent man - make sure it's something with a high concentration of Benzoyl Peroxide - use it methodically every day, and it should help it clear up as well as prevent reoccurence. Here's the trick though - to really treat it, what you need to do is take a wash cloth and soak it with extremely hot water - literally as hot as you can stand it without burning your skin. Then put it on your chin (I do my whole face actually) and let the cloth sit there for a bit (yes it will probably be a bit uncofortable with the high temperature, but leave it until the washcloth starts to lose it's temperature). This will heat up your skin so your pores open up. You might want to do this a few times (I do it about 2 - 3x). Then use the astringent directly afterward - this will get it into the pores directly and therefore it will be much more effective.

I don't get acne any longer really, except if I've been outside working and I sweat a lot - but I still do this to my face every few days to get it really clean.

I have a goat and a thin beard around my jawline - I shave every day, because I can't stand how itchy that shit gets. I use the heated wash cloth afterward every few days, to get all the residual shave cream out of my pores.

I by no means have perfect skin, but this has helped me a lot.
tip: after washing and such, splashing cold water on your skin closes the pores

this helped me a lot when i was younger as i suffered from really bad acne...
I still can't grow a beard, and now I don't even want to because hair on my face makes me look older, and I already look way old for my age, which kinda sucks. People think I'm like 25....
Haha, yeah, people always think I'm older as well, but I like it, it makes me feel distinguished :D (besides, everyone knows chicks dig older guys :lol: )

Naw dude, I had an incident at a party last weekend, everyone was my age, and the girl I went with her friends thought I was like some old dude crashing the party. I was kinda bummed out haha.
Shaving is really fucking irritating my skin (I have pretty bad acne on my chin.. it seems to be getting better but every time I shave it just goes fuckoff bad). I only shave every week or so preferably.. whats something that'll keep it that length all the time [lengthwise maybe 3mm? Just before it starts getting itchy], with the least irritation possible? Or is any trimmer going to irritate my skin even more (no idea how they work)?

Fucking trimmers, how do they work?!

Seriously though, I use one of those Shick trimmers.
The trimmers with attachments don't irritate at all. In essence it's just a piece of plastic that puts space between your skin and the trimming blades to let the hair get cut at a certain length. Of course you can use the trimmer itself if you're going for that GQ 5 o'clock shadow look. But that will irritate a bit.

Right now I'm stickin' with my meard. Shave my checks and my neck, keep the rest 5/8" long. After the summer I'm going for this:


then this:

i used to have the exact same problem with the pimples and crap but someone gave me this formula that you can get prepared in a local drug store with specific a month i could shave with no problem, and i can now shave completely, or leave a little beard without a problem. You need to get rid of the acne first, cause it's always gonna be bothering no matter what trimmes/razor you get.
I still can't grow a beard, and now I don't even want to because hair on my face makes me look older, and I already look way old for my age, which kinda sucks. People think I'm like 25....

I have the opposite deal , people think I am younger- I'm 24 and most people think I am like 18 still. I don't really care though haha

Also I shave a little as possible , like once every 3 , 4 days. I HATE shaving I always bleed all over haha
I always have the LOST perma-stubble going
i've been on the daniel kern regimen for a number of months. i used to have the same problem as you but with his 'cleanser' effectively as shaving foam i never have any trouble with my chin after shaving anymore. i don't know if it's the cleanser that's helped or the combination of that, the benzyl peroxide AND moisturizer that i use daily.
to really treat it, what you need to do is take a wash cloth and soak it with extremely hot water - literally as hot as you can stand it without burning your skin. Then put it on your chin (I do my whole face actually) and let the cloth sit there for a bit (yes it will probably be a bit uncofortable with the high temperature, but leave it until the washcloth starts to lose it's temperature).

Quite frankly this is what you should do prior to shaving each and every time. If you have ever been to a barber shop with a proper barber performing a shave, this is what they do with extremely hot steaming towel. It will result in a better shave with less skin irritation. I always soak my face with a really hot towel prior to shaving and I shave almost daily.

As for trimming it short, there are plenty of beard trimmers out there with depth settings - just use one of those and make sure you take care of the blades with proper cleaning and oiling this way they do not pinch and pull at the hair while clipping which will really aggravate your skin.