Beard trimmers

Here's my 3 kind of obvious rules of shaving, I've had problems with acne/irritated skin myself... 1. Try to always shower before shaving, softens up the hairs.. 2. Shave downwards (with the hair, not against).. 3. use a moisturizer (non-perfumed preffered), not aftershave ..

Or take roaccutan or something :P

Hey, if that kid on the cover giving the thumbs thinks it's good, it can't be bad.
+1 on the hair clippers. Fast, easy, no irritation if you can handle some stubble, plus you can also use it on your head if you want. BONUS!

About two years ago I got on this weird trip and got a straight razor and all the accessories because I thought it would make shaving fun. Nope. Just made it more of a pain in the ass than it was before. Actually it made shaving itself more fun but all the care for the blade sucked, like stropping and shit, plus it was super irritating on my neck.

Ever since that stupid little trip I've pretty much only been shaving like once a month. I'm about due for a trim now, but I'm considering letting it go for a while. I do live in the Northwest, afterall.
If your acne is really bad go to the doctor and ask for Vibramycin or Doxycycline. Your skin will be clear in no time.

Except it won't.

I've had acne for the past 4 or 5 years, I've tried literally everything (even went on accutane for a bit when it was worse, but it didn't agree with me), so I really don't need any suggestions there. If I could clear it up easily I would have a long time ago.

What I DO need are some brand suggestions. I don't wanna go spend $60 on something that ends up being shit, as obviously I can't try it out before I buy it.
Except it won't.

I've had acne for the past 4 or 5 years, I've tried literally everything (even went on accutane for a bit when it was worse, but it didn't agree with me), so I really don't need any suggestions there. If I could clear it up easily I would have a long time ago.

What I DO need are some brand suggestions. I don't wanna go spend $60 on something that ends up being shit, as obviously I can't try it out before I buy it.

Have you actually tried Vibramycin? Unless you've tried it and you sure it doesn't work then don't jump the gun. You can forget any topical treatment, for severe acne then you needs an antibiotic.
Morgan without prying too much, are you stressed much??

I found that one of the main causes of acne (in myself anyway) was stress/anxiety/depression when i finished school and started at college doing music, i was so much happier and everything cleared up...

fresh sea air is also good...
What I tend to do is shave BEFORE I shower which makes it pretty hard to get the last bits shaved off cos it ends up pretty tough and my shaver's a piece of shit, which means my skin feels like its burning when I'm done, but then I get in the shower and refrain from putting my face under the water for a minute, get my flannel nice and hot then press it against my face, stings like a bitch for a min but then its nice and soothing, finish showering as normal, then put on this post-shaving moisteurising stuff I have. when it's rubbed in properly i take a hot flannel again and press it to my face for another min and then I feel totally fine and my face is nice and smooth.
Morgan without prying too much, are you stressed much??

No, I am the Zen master.

Seriously, sometimes this stuff is just genetic/age related. Everyone reacts differently to it, and some things work for some people and have no effect on others.

What I tend to do is shave BEFORE I shower which makes it pretty hard to get the last bits shaved off cos it ends up pretty tough and my shaver's a piece of shit, which means my skin feels like its burning when I'm done, but then I get in the shower and refrain from putting my face under the water for a minute, get my flannel nice and hot then press it against my face, stings like a bitch for a min but then its nice and soothing, finish showering as normal, then put on this post-shaving moisteurising stuff I have. when it's rubbed in properly i take a hot flannel again and press it to my face for another min and then I feel totally fine and my face is nice and smooth.

Going for LEAST irritation here, not most :)
yeah i know but once ive gone through my post-shave ritual theres like no irritation at all
I tried antibiotics for acne for a while, shit fucked me up beyond belief. Horrible stuff when it doesn't agree with you.
No, I am the Zen master.
Seriously, sometimes this stuff is just genetic/age related. Everyone reacts differently to it, and some things work for some people and have no effect on others.
Going for LEAST irritation here, not most :)

I tried practically everything, even had meds from the doctors...

all bullshit...

try getting some organic soap stuff (we have this shop called lush over here, they sell some awesome stuff), shave before you shower... or even shave IN the shower...
I tried antibiotics for acne for a while, shit fucked me up beyond belief. Horrible stuff when it doesn't agree with you.

Yeah I was on minocycline for a bit, worked ok but stopped working after about 10 months, never went back to the doctors and just started using Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5% twice a day, the side effects are a bit rubbish - flaky red skin for the first few weeks or so but once you get used to it and you use a good moisturiser it is fairly effective, I have tried basically any other topical substance you can think of, but always go back to the peroxide cos thats the only shit that works to a reasonable and constant degree.
I've been using trimmers for a few years. Not because my skin is sensitive but because my facial hair is so hard.
I can't really see a trimmer being particularly irritating, no matter what model or brand. It's a bit like softly rubbing a fork on your face or something like that. (I don't use a regulator)