Beat detective problems

Via Noctis

Jun 23, 2007
Hi all,
I am having an issue editing drums with beat detective. When I use region seperate, for about half of the song it works great, Separates in the right spot and everything is good. About half way through the song, when I hit separate regions it deletes half of whats there. I have a few screen shots to show you what I am talking about. I have searched everywhere. I have tried everything. I hope someone has an answer for me.


Thanks for the reply. Yes I have tried everything from 1/4 note to 1/32 note. Result is always the same. The only thing that I have noticed makes any difference is the trigger pad. If I put it to zero, It works sometimes, but then the crossfades will be messed up because I set it to 5ms
Can you post a screen capture video showing exactly what happens? This happens without you hitting "conform" at all, just immediately after hitting "Separate"? I ask because it's very clear in your screenshots that the audio is moving to different places (look at the stuff at bar 43 for example).
I am on Pro tools 9 with apogee duet on a 2008 mac book pro. Thank you for the replies and @Adam Those are the screen shots of exactly what happens as close as I can think of getting. I am in the region separate section. I ALWAYS hit Capture selection, I make sure I am on the 1st beat of a measure. As well as only doing max of 4 measures at a time. When I push "Separate" As you can see half of everything dissapears I have also noted that Command z undoes the separate but occasionally changes the bounds of the beginning and end of my selection. I just moved to pro tools since 9 came out. I use to use logic and have used reaper a bit. But I am lost as to how to get around this without exporting all of my files from protools and editing them in a different DAW.
I would be happy to post the session, I haven't been using Pro tools too long. What do mean by posting the session. Do you mean Export to "file" and put on dropbox? I apologize for my ignorance. Also, although posting the session might yeld some results. Before I do so I would like to mention that it happens with more than one Song "Session." Trigger Pad is the only thing that makes it go away. How do Post Session? Is there something I am doing wrong with my groups or something that make this happen? In happens anytime. But only after I already did a large part of the song. I thought it might have something to do with the number of cuts or fades for my drive speed. I thought it would be a quick session so I put it on my mac book pro drive.

It also wonder if "severly bad drums" could through it off but not in the seperation section of beat detective.
If you can just set the project up so it's right at the point before it gets screwy (Beat Detective window open, zoomed in to the right part, etc.) then go "File>Save Copy In..." and make sure it is set to include the audio files, save it to a new location and then zip that folder and upload it we can check it out for ya.
I ran into a problem uploading the session, as it seem it is over 600mb! Should it be this large for a 3 minute song? I have been working on it all day and think I need a bit of a rest. I will try to find an upload tomorrow. Thank you for the help Adam!
Tried to upload. The File was too big. So I tried importing the drum files to a new session and now I can't recreate what happened above.