Beat Detective complications..


Apr 11, 2006
I'm currently working on a session in Pro Tools HD 9.

I've gone through and edited a whole lot of drums and now am attempting to use Beat Detective's 'edit smoothing' feature. All other Beat Detective processes are working perfectly, however, whenever I get to the Crossfade section, Pro Tools completely shits its pants. It gets the crossfades done but takes a LONG time. Like, it took about an hour to fill gaps and crossfade for just one track (approx 10 mins long). Admittedly, the tracks are edited pretty extensively but having said that, I've never run into this complication before.

It runs as if I'm using 100% of the CPU - slow to react, laggy cursor, etc - but I can browse the finder absolutely fine, open and browse Safari, etc.. I'm wondering if perhaps this is a CPU usage setting - does anyone have experience with optimising systems for Beat Detective work? Obviously I don't need to worry about short buffer size at this point in time.

Has anyone else experienced this in the past? The studio in which I am working on the project reckons they haven't had this problem either..

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
A ten minute song which is very complicated will take about 20 mins or so to render the fade on a modest machine. Ram is the bottleneck on bd fades on versions prior to 10
I have, and as greyskull said. The more tracks and cuts the whole thing has, it is normal that it takes a lot of time. I remember to run into massiv slowdowns with PT8 all the time when the track was longer than 5 min and doublekicks were playing the whole time. These many pieces need a powerful machine to handle. When it's a ten minute song I would edit it in two parts.
Everything said is correct. I had the same issue some time ago. I just did it in small sections, not more than 4-8 bars. Since it worked real nice breaking it down into smaller parts, it went aloooooot quicker. Beat detective works alot more accurate in smaller sections than a whole 10 min. song...
This is an 8 core Mac Pro - wouldn't have thought it would have this much difficulty. Don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to edit the whole song in one pass haha, just the crossfades. Previously I was doing these as I was going but by the time you get half way through the song, there is so much data in crossfade files that it takes a while to save. Not such an issue normally, but I set my sessions to auto-backup frequently and it gets quite frustrating when having to pause to save all the time!
It's always been that way. When I didn't have PT10, I would edit, and use only the fill gaps option instead of fill and crossfade. I'd check the edits. Then, when I was all done, I'd select the whole song, command f, and go take a break for 20 minutes while it did the batch fade. Come back, consolidate, and listen down carefully, fixing any spots that didn't edit right.

In closing, PRO TOOLS 10 SAVES YOU TONS OF HEADACHES WITH FADES. Just get it. Oh wait you're on HD, so it's like a million dollars. Still worth it though.