Beatrik - Requiem of December


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
I was surprised this hasn't been talked about here, so I made a thread. Since I'm trying to get better at writing, I try to review a few albums a week. So here is my review of this album:

Beatrik’s second album, Requiem of December, is a black metal album from Italy; though his first album is quite good, he really keeps everything focused for this release. The album is the depressive black metal style that is becoming popular, but this album is quite different from those. This album is centered around death and the realization that death will always bring sadness which will last eternally. It is almost uplifting in the sense that it talks about always being in depression after death, and it’s not a temporary thing it is something you must deal with it and embrace it. The album also has a slight depressive feel coming from nature; helping the artist portray the eternal sadness he has.

The album describes this through it’s slow pace and steel picked riffs, where keys accentuate that riff at times; moreover the guitars rip through your soul, and forces you release all of your emotions. Every melody has depression soaked in it, and while the riffs are usually slow, they sometimes cumulate into a faster part, but keep the slow picked melody in the back ground. The vocals in this album are truly the highlight; they are strained, emotive, and drawn out, and accentuate everything he’s trying to convey. Although the atmosphere is quite thick, it’s easy to listen to the album multiple times because of the brilliant songwriting. The songs progress through the album at the speed required, yet not once lingering on a certain speed too long. Requiem of December has so many subtle parts that every listen can give the listener another idea not previously heard.

This album is pushing the boundaries that you can take Burzum’s music. It never has a part that is am homage to Burzum, but influence is there because of the way he arranges the songs. Requiem of December is a step in a new direction from Burzum, and it will be interesting to see what Beatrik comes up next.

I'll post samples if someone cares, and the ending of this album is godly! :kickass:
I'm spinning this album a second time. The first three tracks didn't find a connection with me. The last half is where it picked up and grabbed me by the balls with a speculum of serenity, prodding my senses to and fro in a winter wonderland of snowglobing decay.

Didn't catch that amazing ending you were going on about either. It sort of just tapered off towards the end.
The first three tracks didn't find a connection with me. The last half is where it picked up and grabbed me by the balls

Agreed - thanks to swizzle's persistance, I decided to give the entire album my attention before dismissing - whereas I had listened a couple times previously without being able to get past the first couple tracks (which are a chore to get through). The second half of the album is worlds better, at least in the immediate sense.
Brandon, is the fucking man. I remember when he first joined UM and didn't know his ass from Adam when it came to metal. Now he's a level 10 thetan that can only be out-larped by a man of Kriggy's stature.
Brandon, is the fucking man. I remember when he first joined UM and didn't know his ass from Adam when it came to metal. Now he's a level 10 thetan that can only be out-larped by a man of Kriggy's stature.

I'd like to think that I'm partly responsible for this in my persistent yelling at him for listening to gay shit and sending him things he should be listening to.
I'm spinning this album a second time. The first three tracks didn't find a connection with me. The last half is where it picked up and grabbed me by the balls with a speculum of serenity, prodding my senses to and fro in a winter wonderland of snowglobing decay.

Didn't catch that amazing ending you were going on about either. It sort of just tapered off towards the end.

The ending to me is Apollonia's December, 7th 1647 and Returning After a Death. They are simply godlike songs.

I don't find the beginning tedious at all, but that's maybe because I've listened to this 100 times?

EDIT: I think the album is quite a grower because of it's pace and its thick atmosphere.