Beats By Dre

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Anyone have a pair? Just curious. Seems like everybody in new york and philly wheres them around but I feel like they are only any good because the "Dr Dre" label on them

Anyone have any experience with them?
I had a chance to listen to a pair of these, but I am not sure if they were legit or illegal copies. ( there are LOADS of fakes around, be warned)
I say this because I was not that impressed with the tone or more importantly the lack of bass extention. The mids seemed quite well defined but nothing to write home about...
I would not be suprised if they were fake as I got offered quite a good price so take this 'review' with a grain of salt...
They are made by Bose so they are gonna be ok but in HMV they had a pair and next to a pair of Sennys HD25 and the Beats defo have a hyped low end. I'm guessing they are great for dance, hiphop etc but would be interesting to hear some descent music on them as it the shop it was Dr Dre....
I still like my HD25 andI got a pair of noise cancelling JVCs with are great for walking, planes etc etc. £300 seems along for a pair of headphones but keep your eye on craigslist london and ebay because I reckon there will be loads popping up post london riots.
Definitely not a flat pair of cans but that's to be expected. The bass is pretty impressive upon first listen but I'm not sure how longer periods of listening would make you feel. Definitely not studio/mixing headphones at all and I most certainly wouldn't pay the price they are retailing for.
"Beats by Dre" is just another marketing gimmick. None of their headphones sound outstanding, most of the ones I've listen to sound pretty thin and tinny with a noticeable, unnaturally boosted low-end that tends to make sound going through the speakers clip. I've had my DT770 pro's for a couple years now and they sound leagues better than anything churned out by 'Dre'.
A friend of mine has a pair so I gave em a listen one time our of curiosity and they didn't seem to bad, bass boosted a bit as to be expected, but considering what they cost they are terrible. For the money you could get much nicer and probably flatter cans.
I have a pair of the cans (Solos). I was initially biased against them and put them on as more of a joke, but after comparing them to other cans in the store I actually liked the way they sounded and took a pair home.

When I got the new pair home they sounded like shit. Extremely thin and no bottom end. I think I had the most extreme EQ on my iPod trying to make them sound good and it failed. I was bummed and was going to return them the next day.

For some reason I decided to plug them into my laptop and blasted music through them overnight like it was a new guitar cab. It actually worked. They sound great. They aren't an honest headphone and definitely have a strong bottom end... but I use them for listening to music and not mixing.

I use them for listening to rock and metal. I find them comfortable and they aren't fatiguing... but I could see people with large heads finding them uncomfortable.
Definitely not a pair for mixing. They're only good for listening to music. They have a lot of bass in them, but they sound really good.
they make mackie 824's sound flat by comparison.

More scooped thasn dimebags guitar tone.
Horrible overpriced crap.