beautiful, sad, crushing metal


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
female vocals are very welcome. i prefer clean male vocals, but if the growls are tastefully done and not overpowering, that's fine too. recs would probably be from the gothic, doom and gothic-doom genres.

Moonspell - Scorpion Flower (nice, haunting song)

Draconian - Bloodflower (some GOOD growls here)

Theatre of Tragedy - Mire (love the instrumentals on this)
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Not exactly doom/goth metal, but give Ne Obliviscaris a listen. They certainly fit the beautiful, sad & crushing description. :)
@ aug, i almost forgot about the new Moonspell album and how good it is. I've been swamped in good metal this year and forgot about the albums that came out in early 08'.

btw Rapture - Futile is the album you're looking for.
I think Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth fits, but the vocals are mostly a pretty sick death metal growl (but also some sweet female vox). Even so I consider it beautiful and definitely crushing.

The Gathering - Mandylion is very beautiful, but not so crushing.
Warning - Watching From a Distance

Yes. Before anything else, look into this. It is the very definition of beautiful, sad, crushing metal.

While Heaven Wept- Of Empires Forlorn

I just listened to this on myspace, and while I wouldn't say it was necessarily bad, I'm not sure if it accomplishes the "sad, crushing" aesthetic. Just my two cents.
I was more trying to think of something that accomplishes the "beautiful" and "sad" part and uses clean male vocals. You're right in saying that it isn't particularly "crushing." But it is melancholy and beautiful music.
Lacrimas Profundere-"Memorandum".

Or maybe Katatonia-"Brave Murder Day" or "For Funerals To Come".

And Novembers Doom is always a good bet for heavy, sad, doom/death. "To Welcom The Fade" is my personal favorite.