been here at the hospital with my grandfather for a few days. He has "a few weeks"

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
His condition is pretty bad, obviously... "few weeks" is kinda the end. He still has a sense of humor when he has burts of energy... he sleeps most of the time, moaning, in pain. When he talks, it's a slurred mumble. So, I'm wondering if anyone here remembers odd/depressing things that have been said by those they've watched descend into the inevitable. I'll start, obviously.

"I think I'm dying'"
"This is the end"
he talks about seeing people, but then they disappear
he keeps looking up
"the dog's gone" we ask "what dog" he said "the dog up on the step". mom keeps asking "what's his name?" he yelled "I DON'T KNOW!!!"
"I'm going to go to God now"
"Let's go in the other room"
"I see the light"
something about 14 fish
something about a footprint

More as they come in, I guess.

Your turn.




Yeah, I guess this is just my own morbid brain's way of coping with stuff.
When my great-grandmother was near the end, she told me to tell the little Chinese people to stop coming into her room and playing with her feet. Oh, and that the nursing home had a prostitution ring and she was pissed she wasn't asked to be one of the hookers.
no offence, but I seriously hope I don't live to be that old. I look at my own grandma and just cringe. I'm 18 and useless to society as is, so I can't imagine how that's gonna be 50 years from now...
Very sorry to hear. If I was in his position, I would just rather be put down and exist gracefully than endure the fear and agony of dealing with brain tumors and a painful death.
a lot of good folks seem to be passing away, though Will, your grandpa is the best of em I'm sure. He does kinda look like John Hammond too. Hope your family makes it through okay, I know when my Grandpa passes I won't take it very well - he's already 75 and still works part time and has his own wood shop.
I'm sorry Will ::hugs::

This might be a "had to be there moment"... When my Grandpa was in the hospital this past February about two weeks before he passed away, he was having trouble breathing and was gasping for air, my mom, aunt and I were shouting and freaking out trying to get nurses attention, the "respiratory specialist" came in and asked: "Sir... are you having a hard time breathing?", he was gasping "yes", turning red, "Sir... I'm going to place this breathing mask over your mouth." he pushed her away because he was gasping for air. "Sir... are you choking?" my aunt was in a panic and just shouted "I'LL CHOKE YOU HE'S SUFFOCATING" haha. He was not pleased once he was stabilized.