Been thinking about checking out MANILLA ROAD?

Not sure why this band doesn't put their music on iTunes or emusic. Maybe its just a too cool to want to be successful ethic. I believe there is only 1 live recording available?
The Manilla Road Thread was a thread that was on this board not too long ago. Some good stuff from big fans of the Road, that include Jasonic, Pate, and myself.

Crystal Logic is probably a good starting point, as I would say if you're not a fan of that one I doubt they have much else to convince you otherwise. But that thread will cover all of their "eras" for you also. Check it out.
I would recommend either Crystal Logic or Mystification as a starting point.

I believe in the thread Palabra linked, I covered all the different eras of the band.
Thanks Pate, Palabra and Jasonic - I will definitely start buying some of these and check them out.