Jason is a Large and get an XXL for his ego. zing.

I am a legend!!! On Friday night, I was actually introduced to a whole group of people as "Jasonic from the Prog Power board" :lol:

Yeah, M or L shirt. I am kind of in between.
I will actually check with Brian to see which ones they will have and then let you know if I want one. Thanks for being willing to do that.
I can see too if the band will mail order one, to save you some hassle.

The only time I saw them, they were a three piece, so no Hellroadie. I would be curious to see them with a "front man" Seen lots of you tube videos, and having a front man definitely seems to add to the energy of their show.

As Bob (Diabolik) here would be more than happy to tell you, they were not the most energetic live band.
Well, just to hear the MR tunes live will be worth it alone, I'll judge the energy and performance for myself.

Their websites and stuff are so un-updated and unorganized that I do not know what the status of the band, its new material, and all that are. Does The Shark not sing for them live? What's the deal?
Shark does not sing when Hellroadie is there.
Actually, Hellroadie has been with them for many years now, both on record and live.

Not sure why he was not at the Chicago show a few years back.
I know Hellroadie will be with them this weekend.

So yeah, the songs will sound a bit different live.
Right here baby!!! :)

Probably this:

or this:
Yeah, that Open the Gates cover is awesome, I'd love to have a shirt of THAT. Speaking of which, you still want a shirt at the show? It's all a go for Saturday in Wichita. Hell or high water, I'm seeing the Road. Up the Hammers!
I actually asked Hellroadie if they are going to have shirts for sale, and if they do, if he would sell me one directly.

I will message you by tomorrow one way or another.

Hey Jasonic - what are your thoughts about The Circus Maximus? It's one of my Shelton favs.

Never heard it, TBH.

It always has the stigma of the "album that wasn't supposed to be under the Manilla Road name...." Similar to Seventh Star in that regard, ya know?

I had always heard it doesn't even sound like Manilla Road.

Does it? I suppose I should You Tube some tracks sometime.
Here’s the full review of the show, with comments about what happened that day.

I drove in from St. Joseph, MO. It’s about a 4-hour drive, and I made a few stops along the way, so all told it probably took over 4 hours. I still got there early. I pulled into the parking lot around 6:00pm. They served me dinner and beer—the special: 6oz sirloin, green beans, and potatoes, plus a salad. Delicious. Beer was good too. Found out that music doesn’t start until 8:30. No big deal, watched college football. For a while I was the only heavy metal guy in the place. But around 7:30-8pm, more metal guys rolled in, even a few more denim vests, which was good to see.

I met a few old Manilla Road fans. Guys from Wichita. Already I start to feel like this is going to be something special. MR is playing at home, in many ways. These are guys that grew up listening to, or hanging out with, or in some cases, playing shows with Manilla Road. Really cool to meet guys who knew Mark personally. They all speak very highly of him, which makes me want to meet him even more.

One attendee in particular is worth mentioning. He had an impressive patch vest adorned with a big Manilla Road backpatch. He also had a strange accent. I find out his name is Pascal and he’s from Switzerland. Manilla Road is his “most important band” and he flew to the States just to see them in their hometown. He said to see them in their hometown would be the best. Hellroadie picked him up from the airport. Pretty damn cool. He introduced me to Mark before the show, telling him that I’m from South Carolina and drove from Missouri. I thought that was really cool.

The opening band was called Seven Year Itch. Someone that worked at the place called them “the best bar band in Wichita.” They hammered through hard rock favorites; Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, etc. They even played a Metal Church tune (can’t recall which one), which they dedicated to The Shark.

Then it was the Road’s turn to plug in. Mark recognized all the fans from home and the ones who drove/flew long distances (myself and the Swiss Pascal as well, really cool of him.) So here’s how their set went:

They opened with a very cool trio of songs that segued perfectly together: “Death by the Hammer,” “Hammer of the Witches,” and “Witches Brew.” I liked that, and the songs sounded great. Mark had his BC Rich guitar plugged into two Marshall full stacks, and only had them miked up, presumably, because they were filming the show. Hellroadie handles most of the vocals, and at first I was skeptical, but he does such a great job. His vocals are all audible over The Shark’s massive guitars, and he actually does a good job of getting some of the nasally tonality in Shark’s midrange that I adore so much (and perhaps turns others off to MR). Hellroadie also hit some falsetto highs that were pretty damn insane. The guy fucking rules; I’m sold. Also, with such limited space (it being a bar and restaurant), their drummer, who goes by the nickname of “Hardcore” fucking killed it. While other drummers might be technically better, he had a knack for the beats, and hit the drums hard enough to also cut through the Shark’s guitar sound. He did a hell of a job.

After the trio of Hammer and Witch songs, the band stomped through a lot of their catalogue of favorites. They played a bunch of stuff from Mystification: “Haunted Palace,” “Mystification,” and “Up From the Crypt.” They played “Road of Kings” from Open the Gates and an awesome performance of “Divine Victim” from The Deluge. They touched on a few newer tracks with “Resurrection” and “March of the Gods” from Atlantis Rising and “Riddle of Steel” from Gates of Fire. In the middle of the set, Mark played an extended guitar solo just to prove the old goat still had chops.

They did add in some old songs as well, touching on my favorite album (Crystal Logic). I thought for sure they’d play the title track. Instead, they doomed us all with “The Riddle Master,” rocked socks off with “Flaming Metal Systems”, and lost us all in “Necropolis.” Of course the crowd went nuts with Necropolis, myself included. Lots of drunken tandem headbanging and fist-pumping there, my friends.

It was really cool to see the old school fans out there as well. This one guy that I would totally not have expected to be a MR fan (he looked like an old redneck. Okay, he was an old redneck) got next to the stage and shouted “I know you guys gotta play fuckin’ Cage o’ Mirrors, man!” Oh I wanted that one soooo bad, but we didn’t get it. Nor did we get “Far Side of the Sun.” Oh well.

They played a few new songs too. One was called “L’Abattoir D’Amour,” the other was about gods and fantasy shit and sounded great. Both were awesome. Both had me headbanging and singing along, at least for the time being. Makes me excited for more new material, for sure.

They finished with a flourish, but the crowd demanded ONE MORE SONG! And they gave it to us—“Astronomica” was the grand finale. It was awesome.

After the show, I got to meet all the guys, of course. They’re just hanging out, it’s their hometown show. Mark hugged me, remembered my name, and signed all my CD booklets. I apologized for having so many, but he was all smiles and all appreciation, and signed each one uniquely. He told me a bit about the new album, we talked about the old days a little bit. I didn’t want to take up too much of his time, but I have to say he’s one of the coolest and most down to earth metal musicians I’ve ever met in my 7 years or so of going to metal shows all the time.

I also met Hellroadie and got him to sign the newer albums. He told me that the new album should be out next spring sometime, and that it’s going to be on Shadow Kingdom records. So hell yeah on that. He said that he and The Shark are splitting vocal duties pretty 50/50 on this one and that all the songs are written and tracked, except for some drum parts.

All in all it was one of my favorite metal shows ever. And I’ll be going there again next year, when they said they would hopefully do another hometown show at the same place.:rock::rock: