Beerswilling, kneedrumming, hellbanging, neckbreaking METAL!

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
What do you have to present in terms of this? List 'em however you want, a top ten, all you can think of, the ultimate mix tape/cd/fart/whatever, just name your greatest drinking hellbangers!

What's great here depends quite a bit on the metalness of your drinking companions; while Tankard may outdrink Bon Jovi every day of the week, my mom can't sing along to CHEMICAL INVASION! FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO DRINK PURE BIER!, but she does know that I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride and I'm wanted dead or alive, living on a prayer as well. In this first, the wimpiest of singalongers, we have artists such as Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams. Maybe some Kiss and other easy stuff like that. And Paradise City, but that may be a 1½.

Second, we have the casual non-metal friend. Here you go for the rockerz everyone knows; Enter Sandman, the Number of the Beast etc, just your plain ole played-to-death singalong metal tracks.

Next on the scale comes my brothers and people like that, who know more than Enter Sandman but will never read up on the Cthulu Mythos just because the fell to their near deaths accompanied but the soundtrack to the Rising; Here we have Hallowed be the Name, Aces High, Master of Puppets, Seek and Destroy and such; the a wee bit less accessible songs by the big bands.

After that we're closing on the real deal; Now we're at the non-mainstream ones that kick complete ass; Chainsaw Charlie, Doom Over the World, Awakening of the Gods, ALL Manowar (Some fits into the previous category, most is 3½ but everything goes great in here), Overkills "Overkill" songs, Motörhead hits etc. The catchy KICKASS motherfuckers, but they lack one of the quintessential qualities we get in the final category...

FINALLY we get to the opus of the chronic alcoholic; the drunk fuck hellraisers. Here we get songs by hellrockin drinkers about hellrockin drinking. Gehennah, Drunkard, and first and always foremost: TANKARD. The winning song forever and always in this category might very well be Die With a Beer in Your Hand. It's so FUCKING catchy yet mega-kickass deluxe.

Opinions and shit?
I have to vote that best beer-inhaling goodness are songs that balance pure asskickery musically, but somehow thematically somehow invoke an almost uplifting vibe.

A song like Whiplash, for example, while not the most epic of epic thrash for Metallica, manifests the pure neck-wrecking but also a good time feel for metal goodness. Instead of the obvious Iron Maiden brilliance, I go with Invaders as the song of choice for screaming along and gurgling under the depths of booze. I'll throw "Call for the Priest" by Judas Priest on here too.

I Wanna Be Somebody by WASP, equally metalmagnificent as is "Me Against the World" by Lizzy Borden.

Mix in the NWOBHM brilliance, Free Country by Witchfinder General, The Prince by Diamond Head, and of course Heavy Metal Mania by Holocaust. Can add Motorhead by of course Motorhead on this list as well.

Thrash destruction: Hello from The Gutter by Overkill, Over the Wall by Testament, Metal Hammer by Razor.

Manowar: Blood of My Enemies and Gloves of Metal and of course Manowar.

Pretty much this right now.

Also a lot of Manilla Road.

EDIT: Obviously and of course this:

"Drinking beer in the kitchen out of a hhhooooooooooorrrrrrrrnnnn!!!"

I normally put on a bunch of familiar Hell Mike Category Three Metal at first and then finally transition into lesser known thrash and black metal when drinking beer with people. If there are women present, Unida, Mammatus, and Swans come on, if good friends are there the weird shit comes out toward the end of the night (Today is the Day, Khanate, Infidel?/Castro!, Spektr, etc.). Then more beer occurs, much like magic, plus couch-sleeping and Hellraiser DVDs.
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