Behemoth at Metal Camp

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
This had to be the greatest concert I've ever seen in my entire life, and it was only about 20 minutes long. Gale force winds started blowing as soon as they started Demigod, the sky literally turned black, and it started raining like a hurricane, but we all stayed there and cheered them on because they said 'fuck it' and kept playing. Here's Nergal's account:

"I just came off the plane from Slovenia. It was the first time ever we played at Metalcamp and let me tell you something — this must have been the craziest and at the same time most memorable festival in our career! We started with 'Slaves Shall Serve' and everything went pretty fine even though the monitors sucked and the whole show seemed to be a bit chaotic, but somewhere halfway through the set all hell broke loose. When the intro to 'Demigod' started the clouds went pitch black and shortly after heavy rain and thunderstorms begun. The stage was literally flooded, everything was in water including us, our armors, guitars, amps — everything. But seeing the crowd goin' completely berserk, we obviously didn't even think of heading off. We'd still go on with 'Conquer All' even though the weather conditions were really awful, then our amps started blowing up one by one, till there was simply no way to continue, but yeah, it was hell of an experience. Seems like we pissed off someone up there, ha ha.

"Thanks to all of you out there who stayed in the battlefield to the end! We WILL come back next year with a complete show, you have my word for that!"

It was so fucking awesome. :worship:
Behemoth is the only band I prefer live to cd. Seriously, probably one of the best live bands around, if not THE best.