Statement from Henkka to the short Fan Camp visit

Fallen Angel's don't kill

New Metal Member
Aug 27, 2005
I think you all should know this:

"I heard about the idea of having a COB fan camp at Wacken open air months ago, and i thought it was great idea. It actually felt good to hear that our fans do this kind of thing together, with help of our record label, too. So of course we wanted to show our appreciation , so we heard about the possibility of visiting the camp. We had our busy press schedule at WOA friday, lots of press, but in the schedule it said that there would be about one hour for the fan camp. Then everything started to go wrong. Everything was delayed. Then somebody told us that now it seems that there is no transportation fixed, there is no security arranged, it takes forever to walk over there from the backstage area and so... and our show , and the official meet and greet of WOA plus many interviews within only couple of hours. We were told that we actually had to skip the fan camp cos " it's just not possible to arrange it now". I guess this was cos of many misunderstandings, communication problems and so on. We felt bad, cos we really wanted to go. We thought that we can walk over there if there's no transportation, whatever, we need to go over!!! So after all, somebody who knew the other main guy of WOA, could arrange us some cars (good, cos it was far away) and bunch of security, so in the end we could come over. We came over and there was a table and line of people waiting, even though we were late. Thanks for the patience. So we met people there, but apparently there was not time for everybody. We are really sorry! It was well organised, i mean when we got over the problems how to come over there... So thanks for that. Then soon we had to rush to go over to the official WOA signing. So there was limited time, i hope everybody understands this. Next time, now that we know more, we can make it better. I truly hope that this happens again! It is a great honor to see that there was such a thing, a Children of Bodom Fan camp! Thank you!" - Henkka
It's called paragraphing mate, next time, use it on your lofty quest

Nice story though
xshadowsoulsx said:
i would have liked to go, but i knew that wouldnt have happened :)

what do you mean? actually the band WAS in the camp, but only for about 40 mins....:Smug:
For me it still doesn't seem that they were too busy. Because I met Janne and Henkka at 18:20 at the Soilwork-Gig at the Festival Area.
So you think Henkka wasn't telling the truth?
Honestly, why don't you just give them a break...:Smug:
I never said that Henkka isn't telling the truth!
But it's still the fact that I met them at the Festival Area!
And as far as I know they're supposed to do some Interviews at that time.
So give up blaming me!!!
It's not my f***ing fault that they have been at the Festival Area instead of doing the Interviews. I didn't ask them for that!!!
If you can't take that, it's your problem! Not mine. I have the picture I wanted to have!

By the way: Where is "almost in Scandinavia"? If we go by this, every place is almost in Scandinavia.
It is!
I don't know how it happens, but it is a part of Scandinavia!
I was running around for a bunch of weeks telling everybody that Finland isn't a part of Scandinavia. But then I had to give up. I don't know how it happened, but Finland is a part of the EU and now it ist a part of Scandinavia!
I don't know how it happens and I was always definitely shure that Finland isn't a part of Scandinavia.
But then I saw some news and I checked in the Internet and then it happened that Finland is a part of Scandinavia right now.
I would be really happy if somebody can explain to me how this happened!
I was surprised too.
I was running around like: "They are not a part of Scandinavia!".
And then everybody told me that they are!!
It looks like that we have to live with that.
Angua said:
I never said that Henkka isn't telling the truth!
But it's still the fact that I met them at the Festival Area!
And as far as I know they're supposed to do some Interviews at that time.
So give up blaming me!!!
It's not my f***ing fault that they have been at the Festival Area instead of doing the Interviews. I didn't ask them for that!!!
If you can't take that, it's your problem! Not mine. I have the picture I wanted to have!

By the way: Where is "almost in Scandinavia"? If we go by this, every place is almost in Scandinavia.

Stop taking drugs.
Fallen Angel's don't kill said:
I think you all should know this:

"I heard about the idea of having a COB fan camp at Wacken open air months ago, and i thought it was great idea. It actually felt good to hear that our fans do this kind of thing together, with help of our record label, too. So of course we wanted to show our appreciation , so we heard about the possibility of visiting the camp. We had our busy press schedule at WOA friday, lots of press, but in the schedule it said that there would be about one hour for the fan camp. Then everything started to go wrong. Everything was delayed. Then somebody told us that now it seems that there is no transportation fixed, there is no security arranged, it takes forever to walk over there from the backstage area and so... and our show , and the official meet and greet of WOA plus many interviews within only couple of hours. We were told that we actually had to skip the fan camp cos " it's just not possible to arrange it now". I guess this was cos of many misunderstandings, communication problems and so on. We felt bad, cos we really wanted to go. We thought that we can walk over there if there's no transportation, whatever, we need to go over!!! So after all, somebody who knew the other main guy of WOA, could arrange us some cars (good, cos it was far away) and bunch of security, so in the end we could come over. We came over and there was a table and line of people waiting, even though we were late. Thanks for the patience. So we met people there, but apparently there was not time for everybody. We are really sorry! It was well organised, i mean when we got over the problems how to come over there... So thanks for that. Then soon we had to rush to go over to the official WOA signing. So there was limited time, i hope everybody understands this. Next time, now that we know more, we can make it better. I truly hope that this happens again! It is a great honor to see that there was such a thing, a Children of Bodom Fan camp! Thank you!" - Henkka

security? who are you, the pope?:zombie:
I wish i was there. Did they play a long set? I desperately need to see Bodom live again!! I'm so desperate. I wish i had Alexi's phone number!!!!!! I only saw them 4 weeks ago live, but it feels like it's beeen centuries since i saw them. I wish i could meet the band. I don't care which member it is as long as it's COB...esp Alexi. He has done so much for me in more then one way.