Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel (new song and video!)

I think the song is great. To each his own though. The outro riffs and pace was really unexpected based on their last 2 albums. Some will love it, some won't, and that's perfectly fine. I think the song name is badass, but I know it more for the reference so it makes sense
The video is evil and well done but 1) I don't get the plot and 2) the song without the video isn't all that heavy imo. :-/

OMG the de-essing… It'll never be the same again. :D (Always thought that was due to multiple Vocal layers creating that sound.)
I's like the same riff for 2 and a half minutes until it becomes more interesting...not amazed, also the sound is kind of disappointing...

and thanks I can't unhear it too :lol:
wasn't crazy about it, it was okay, but not mind blowing, i love demigod and "towards babylon" is still a heavier, better song in my opinion, but to each their own, it's been a while since metal has given me the feeling that roflsaurusrex was talking about,

i remember the first time i listened to septic fleshs' "communion" when it came out and i was bored with metal at that point again as nothing had excited me for a while, the last thing that did it for me was the absvrdist album, i nearly did a backflip in my apartment when i heard it, it was so good,
I was hoping for more as well, especially since Nergal made it sound like he was inspired after his ordeal and said this album would be massive. Stilll it is only one song, I will reserve my judgement
I'll have to listen on something other than laptop speakers, but I thought the song structure was a bit weird.

My favorite video ever from them is still Ov Fire And The Void. So good.