Behemoth drummer

I was reading blabbermouth and seen this studio video about behemoth tracking the new record.
Fuck that guy is sick, look how fast he can go!
Awesome, I never checked behemoth music, I think I'm gonna take a listen or 2 to their music!
With all these incredible polish bands, should we call them "new wave of polish death metal"? ehehe
Inferno kills on the drums. His beats with their riffs hit you hard in the chest. From the looks of Parts 1 and 2 of the video posts, the new Behemoth album will be pretty brutal. I can not wait.
About two years ago I sat next to him and just stared at him playing for almost a whole concert, and oposing my beliefs that *most* ultra-fast blast beaters plays a la Hellhammer or even Trym he was smashing the kit so hard, i was astonished. I remember looking to the china thinking "How the hell that cymbal takes that much beating?!" and drums sticks breaking and flying pieces everywhere by the minute...
Havent heard much Behemoth, have you? These guys incorporate a lot more shit into their arrangements than most "extreme metal" acts do... they rank at the top of the list, or ARE the top.

They're much more musical than you'd assume.

Holly shit, I'm glad I understood some of that. Some of those subtitles flew by.
The album sounds fucking sweet. I haven't really heard the band till now, but based on how hard my hearts' pumping after that, I think i'll be checking it out!
Inferno is a good drummer, fast as hell, but I prefer Frost from Satyricon, he is even faster, check 1349.

there is also a video at

check him out!
I can't believe that their FOH guy is recording the new one... Especially after Bergstrand's brutally amazing production on the last record.

I wonder what the deal is with that Studer autolocater? I doubt if they're tracking to 2" and Pro Tools. The SSL should have transport control over PT. ????
Ooooh, cuz speed's everything...

Exactly, as someone else said earlier - Inferno breaks stuff, he hits like a train, there's chops of wood flying by as he plays, he's completely out of the "please someone fix my snare so I can trigger it with my eyes HEY MAN I'M SO FAST I MAKE HURRICANES MOVE AT BULLET TIME" category, his drumming is sheer fury. Actually, watching him play makes me want to play drums or break stuff - absolute madness!! Anyway, I think it's great that Behemoth finally receive the attention they deserve, enough heartache pussy metal already.
Behemoth fucking rule. I've been preaching about Inferno for a while now. The sheer aggression in their tracks is unmatched imo. And their live sets are just astonishing.
I haven't cared for extreme metal in ages, but I think I gotta check out their album when it is done. Those drums sound superb on youtube already!!!

Man, you guys really need to check out "Demigod". That's their most recent release, and I'll bet the farm that the new one won't even come close soundwise.