Behemoth drummer

the fastest double bass-er on record is tim yeung
ex hate eternal ex nile
currently vital remains and dinos new project

Areet dude? You've got it mixed up slightly here. Tim Yueng won the WFD fastest double bass for the 2006 competition but he isn't the fastest on record ever. Check the WFD site. Tim Waterson is the fastest on record.

Any talk to ya later online.

By the way I saw Nile in Newcastle on the Black Seeds Of Vengeance tour a few years back with Behemoth supporting and although I heard the name and who the band where I'd never heard their music. Have to say I come away thinking "My God the so called future of Death Metal has just been blown off stage", Behometh were amazing.
Tim Waterson is sick, 1400 BPM, but I think Death Metal and Metal in general is not about 1400 BPM doublebass or stuff like that.
Death Metal in my opinion is about accoustic brutality, I've heard Bill vom Decrepit Birth saying something like "when I first heard Suffocation I felt like I should kill somebody", I think this is a feeling you should get while listening to really good Death Metal (but please, don't walk around killing people while listening to some Death Metal ;) ).
Inferno is the perfect match for Behemoths music, he is tight and fast (enough) and plays the stuff like it should be played, I don't know if he would match our music (I sing in a Death Metal Band and play the guitar in an other Death Metal Band) but like I said, for Behemoth, perfect match.
So now about Death Metal Drummers, there are many very fast guys, Reno Killerich (ex-Vile, ex-Dimmu Borgir, ex-Panzerchrist, Black Dahlia Murder, live drummer for Hate Eternal ....) Derek Roddy (but he's able to play some cool other stuff, many Death Metal Drummers are only Death Metal Drummers, but Derek, listen to his Jazz stuff) Flo Mounier (the same like Derek, great Jazz Drummer) KC Howard (Decrepit Birth, Odious Mortem) Mike Smith (Suffocation) and so on.
All these guys match their band almost perfect and you can't change the Drummer without hearing the difference, Mike Smith in would be cool but wouldn't sound like normal Behemoth.

So, ok, I am bit drunken :erk: and I hope everyone is able to understand what I wrote.
I have a vid from their website of them rehersing "Conquer all". it's a camcorder vid and you can hear his kicks even on the ultra fast parts. which is amazing considering he plays heel-down.

Plus he can play that clean to click track!?
Hahaha.... Finally a good drummer thread:kickass: Inferno is a good friend of mine. He is insane and extremely fast! Powerful? He's extremely fast! He's not that hard of a hitter, but he gets the job done!!! I've video taped Behemoth 3 times and each show they give 1000000%. Probably the best stage show out there. Inferno's going 230 bpm+ and wind milling at the same time!!
I seen someone mention George (NILE) Hehehe...funny story... when they came to town I was talking with Nergal (Behemoths' guitarist/vocalist) (he didn't have his paint on) and I told him he looks like George!!! George too is insanely quick!

If you guys want to view some extremely fast and good drummers visit: and
I built those sites specifically for Extreme/ Death Metal drummers. Many KILLER drummers and KILLER videos!

Just for the record, there´s only one man in this planet that hits drums harder than Inferno and still is fast... Max Kolesne from Krisiun.

Definetly dude. Max is fucking amazing. So fast, and absolutley perfect. I've seen Krisiun a few times live, and he just makes everything sound so intense. Krisiun is amazing live, they just put out this feeling of "We are FUCKING brutal, and we are going to rip off your face". Plus, they're all WAY fucking nice. And they really really appreciate their fans. I remember I was talking to Max after one of their shows, and I told him that I had seen them a few days before at a different venue, and he was like "Holy shit man! You came to both shows? That's fuckin awesome!! Thanks so much for supporting us dude!" I dunno, it just makes you feel really good when the band actually cares that you come to their shows. haha. Yup.
Why are they playing the intermission riff for Opeth's song Under the Weeping Moon? The very first riff in that video is the same acoustic part, and it is played once more later on in the Youtube video :lol:

Just listen to the acoustic riff in the Opeth song at 3:07 - 6:00
Why are they playing the intermission riff for Opeth's song Under the Weeping Moon? The very first riff in that video is the same acoustic part, and it is played once more later on in the Youtube video :lol:

Just listen to the acoustic riff in the Opeth song at 3:07 - 6:00

Hehehe good catch, but IMHO it's not a 100% copy ;)

Maybe it was just a little tribute to Opeth.
It's a joke, since you don't know him you didn't get it.

Bill ward is awesome, just not that fast relativly. :D
