Behemoth - From the Pagan Vastlands


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
So this is quite good. I've given this band numerous occasions to totally impress me

Satanica was cool
Thelema 6 less so.
Zos Kia Cultus blew
Grom stunk
Sventevith was actually damn good
Conjuration just plain sucked

I finally got the demo re-release and lo and behold Behemoth wrote interesting material all the way through. I kinda want to hear And the Forest Dreams Eternally or whatever it's called

Thoughts on this album?
It is most excellent, in my opinion.

The demo re-release you mention, the Demonica box set? If not, I highly suggest getting it.

I have And the Forests Dream Eternally and love it, I can upload it later if you so wish.
how does it compare to sventevith, production-wise?

you really should pick up forests, "moonspell rites" and "forgotten empire of dark witchcraft [and kvlt evil northern grim fvllmoon eternal darkness of satanic death necrogoat blizzard of blackest diaboli magickum infernus]" fuckin ruuule :kickass:
ill probably end up getting Forests, but no rush. it was recently re-released.

i love this from the liner notes:

BEHEMOTH send hate and fuck off to: All white metal bands and trendy Death Metal Shitheads!!! "Black Metal" fakes - we will rape you with our mayhemic steel!!! All those who profaned our Black Cult with their stupid and trendy image!


good thing they still play black metal. um.... :Smug:
it's pretty ironic indeed, but no one should ever take some musical ideology so seriously, it's just as bad as being a christian extremist.

Music is music, and black metal fits in that category. It's nothing more, and thinking otherwise only proves you want to be special.

I say you, but I'm not really talking about anyone in particular. I think Behemoth just matured and realized that music isn't the end of it all.
to me it's simply a bunch of kids jumping on the black metal no mosh, no core, no fun, no trends thing back then.

but the fact that behemoth now plays death metal is just funny after reading that statement

the band really is talented, but just seem unfocused or something.
bah, a band could make an album that contains power metal/death metal/black metal/ and I wouldn't care as long as it's well done.

Unless you meant a different kind of focus?
unfocused as in they have all the talent but can't nail down that grand album. maybe unrealized potential would have been better
unfocused as in they have all the talent but can't nail down that grand album. maybe unrealized potential would have been better

yeah I get it now. I guess focus has a different meaning whether you're french or english speaking.
I liked Demi-god, but I have a feeling most regulars (well, demilich, JK, J. and co) really don't like it because they compare it to their old stuff, but I can be wrong.
I have a thing for Polish Blackened Death Metal, so I enjoy later Behemoth. The later stuff also tends to sound a lot better live than when they play some of the older stuff.

On album while sitting at home, though, I prefer the demos.