Behind Crimson Eyes Website

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
Found this on the behind crimson eyes website. Had a chuckle when i read it!

"Saturday, 19 January 2008
So as you have probably heard we are supporting the mighty Iron Maiden in Sydney and Brisbane.

We are so stoked that we have been asked to play both Sydney and Brisbane shows. It is going to be some of the toughest shows that we have ever played but it will be an amazing experience. Just seeing Iron Maiden 3 times will worth all the heckling!

Also the Big Day Out starts today. I'm actually writting this from the Gold Coast show. Our stage is tiny (well in comparison to the two main stages) but this is going to be a party for the next week and a half.

Keen to see Karnivool, Gyroscope, Billy Bragg, Brand New and of course RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Worth all the heckling.....? :lol:

Dated on the 19th of Jan...... I think there is something in that for all of us, dont you?
For better or worse they got picked. I didn't see them but I am sure they made the best of it. Would probably be the rare band that would turn down that sort of opportunity, whether they'd go down well or not. Whoever picked them made the dud choice, not them.
I'm no fan of their music by any means, but I think they should be applauded for the way they handled the situation. I heard that at one show a Maiden chant started up and their bass player joined in. That's classy. Unlike bands such as The Strokes at BDO 04 leaving their set half way through because more people were lined up for Metallica.
Well if you are paid to play, you need to play. I just made sure I was nowhere near the Arena at that time:lol::puke:
Good luck to 'em. I wouldn't listen to that sort of stuff, and probably would have been at the bar while they were on, but at least they appreciated the opportunity.