Behind the Music!


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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Well does everyone have there VCR's fired up for the big day?? I have to go & get a couple of blank tapes and I will be set. I can hardly wait. This is the first time in a decade or so, that I have been looking this forward to something on TV---VH1 no less.

Now I am hoping the Iron Maiden BTM is not too far behind!!

"Women are like pianos, when they're not upright, they're grand"
-Benny Hill
:headbang: :headbang:
i requested off of work for ANTHRAX: BTM. i'm getting up extra early for the 11am showing and taping it. Then I'm having an Anthrax: BTM party for the 8pm showing. i'm sucha loser!

it's just a little party though. a couple friends. some soda. some chips. you know?

this is going to be "the simpsons" of BEHIND THE MUSIC. i think it's going to be one of the better ones because the band knows how to have fun. they have a sense of humor.

this BTM is going to make Lionel Richie's and Mili Vanili's BTMs look like... i dunno. something really bad.

my favorite and the best BTM so far HAS to be Motley Crue. until tomorrow anyway.
I dont have the proper Vh1


I think in South Africa we only get like a half-arsed european equivalent where there's more dance music and old stuff which isn't actually that bad.I mean I'll admit it it's better watching a Sting video than another fucking hip-hop or J.Lo video on eMpTyV.
I just found out about Anthrax BTM and I'm fuckin psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just saw them in Boston with Judas Priest........Priest was OK I like Halford's solo band way better but Anthrax brought the fuckin house down! They opened with Among the Living, I couldn't believe it!!! They played a new tune called "Superhero" from the forthcoming album and it was BRUTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drinks for all my friends..................
I was in Cape Town in December! I had a nice visit to South Africa. I went there with my South-African-ex-girlfriend--when we were still dating.
Are you near Cape Town?
Hi Thraxdude I've been reading your comments in this message board for quite a while now and your great and so are most of the people on this message board. I'm little worried about the fact that everyone who likes metal in the world seems to hate other styles of music. I hate that!!!:devil:

I'm from Johannesburg (the upper areas of S.A.)
I have a buddy in Somerset West which is right next to Cape Town and i went down and visited him not so long ago!
When you were in Cape Town did you check out any of the S.A bands? How did you date an S.A girl if your from the States( are you from the States?) Hey this is cool we can end up being good buddies on here!
I WISH IT WAS SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought some new tapes on Wednesday and I'm just waiting for it to be midnight (or 11 or 1 depending on how gay my time zone is tonight) and see this Headbanger's Ball thing that I'm still in denial that it even exists after all this time.

I can't believe Steve's throwing a party and he didn't invite me :cry:
Our plane stopped in Johannesburg for about an hour to let some people off. Then we continued to Cape Town. I took a cool photo of Cape Town from on top of Table Mountian. I'll post it on my site as soon as I get my scanner.
My ex-girlfriend lives here now--in Colorado.
I heard some S.A. music in a mall, but it sounded kind of like the popular hip-hop music here. I didn't really check out the South African bands, unfortunately, but I noticed you have a lot of American music on the radio.
I wore 3 different Anthrax T-shirts when I was in S.A. and not too many people knew about them. I'm glad to see a South African Anthrax fan on here!!
How did you get into Anthrax?
Hi there again!
Which mall were you at when you heard that crummy kwaito stuff( that's the style of music that all the black people in this country like to listen to, it's like a mixture of hip-hop and dance music).
In the beginning kwaito was pretty underground and only the party hard sort of black people listened to it. Now there's like this big stupid trend where everyone's supposed to lke it because there was this one huge kwaito song that got on the radio called Mandoza and it just rammed up in the charts. Remember the days when everyone in the world thought that listening to metal was a cool thing to do ??;) It was a little corny because there were obviously people who were listening to it just to be hip or cool or whatever. But it sure as hell boosted sales and helped our bands( including Anthrax). I got into anthrax when I heard a tape from my sister's friend, it was the amazing Stomp 442!!!!. Back in those days when I got that Anthrax tape I was into Nirvana totally man, they were like gods to me and I used to drum all the time on my chest to Dave Grohl's playing:lol: Dave got me into the drums so he's great and he's also a great drummer to practise to if you are just starting. Hey shit look at the size of this thing man I better stop! did you get into Anthrax and what is your fav Thrax disc?Cheers.
What did everybody think????? I thougth it was OK. Not enough detail, of course. I guess this shows the futility of trying to pack a 20+year story into 40 odd minutes. It doesn't work out the best.

I was kind of hoping "trick eye" Spitz would have freaked out about Jeebus or something, but no such luck! They didn't even explain why he got the boot....

I was going crazy all morning! woke up at 10am, made sure that VH-1 was gonna play it by watching the preview channel. Tried to tape it, but tape ran out of tape 15 mins into it. Gonna retape it tonight though. I wish they could have shown more with Bush, but oh well, it worked just fine for me. Later all!
Behind the Music was great! But, I think Lilker should have been on...oh well.

matter-I got into Anthrax in about 1987 when a friend played Among the Living for me. I remember him saying, "This song is called 'N.F.L.'."
And I thought, "What?!? A song about football?!?"
But eventually I turned into a HUGE Metal Head!
All through high school I listened to Metallica, Anthrax, Suicidal Tendencies, etc.
Waterfront Mall is where I heard that "kwaito" music. I guess it was kwaito.
Anyway, I really don't have a favorite "Thrax disc". Lately I've been listening to 'State of Euphoria' and a CD-R that has 'Superhero' and some other Anthrax songs on it. My favorite is whatever I feel like listening to at the time. A couple weeks ago it was 'Among The Living' this week it's 'State of Euphoria'.
Oh, one thing about S.A.--people are so fucking cool. South Africans seem to get along very well. When I was going through customs on my way home, this guy in front of me says, "Hey how's it going?" and shakes my hand, and starts talking to me.
It's like complete strangers just act like your friends. You don't see that too often in America...well, it's a little different now. I think Americans have been getting along better lately.
I was kind of hoping that they would have interviewed Lilker and Turbin. Also Paul Crook got the shaft. I have often wondered why he left or quit the band. Seemed like a good fit to me.

Overall I would grade it a B/B+.

Does anyone out ther have the lyrics to "Pieces". Listening to Frank talk about his bro made me appreciate that song a lot more.

Now we must wait for the new album......:hotjump: