Being Successful In Music Business: 'It's Not About Music, It's About Charisma'


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Sad but true, that I actually agree with Gene Simmons. Been saying this for some time myself ... but 50% of any succsseful band is the fact that someone in the band, if not all the band, has some personality and charm.
If my theory proves correct and Lethal appoint footbalm as their spokesperson thay should be banging groupies in smelly buses in no time :loco:

KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons recently spoke to The New York Post about "Gene Simmons' Rock School", VH1's new show about a group of prissy, young British boarding-school students trained in classical music who spend several weeks learning how to be mini rock gods under the tutelage of "Mr. Simmons."

"You don't have to know how to read or write music at all to be successful in the music business," Simmons told The New York Post. "And as far as rap is concerned, you don't need to have any qualifications whatsoever, you could just be a drug dealer off the street and simply start talking — it's not about music, it's about charisma."

Regarding the fact that he appointed the smallest, geekiest kid in the class to be the band's frontman because of the kid's charismatic performance in an audition, Simmons said, "You can have a huge show and be a fantastic instrumentalist, but if you're not charismatic, nobody will care. By the way, you don't even need to be the lead singer — I was as interested in Pete Townshend as I was in Roger Daltrey in THE WHO because he made a spectacle out of himself."
Heres a true statement.
And as far as rap is concerned, you don't need to have any qualifications whatsoever, you could just be a drug dealer off the street and simply start talking — it's not about music, it's about charisma.
This backs up my opinion on rappers, the fact they have no musical ability whatsoever. Just the ability to talk lots of shit really fast and occasionally rhyme words together.
General Zod said:
Personally, I wouldn't use Gene Simmons as a foundation on which to build an arguement. The dude is a jackass and an idiot.


I know he is an idiot ... but if you really think about ANY succesful band (in any genre) ... there is always some great personality behind them. So he is definetelly right about this ... and this is all he is saying.
Demonspell said:
I thought the problem lately was bands with NO personality...has it ever been harder to distinguish between what the masses have been swallowing up? Of course, being faceless isn't the best long term career move.
