Bello out of Anthrax

Might be a bit off topic but I just have to get this off my chest: I was a big 'thrax fan in the late 80s/early 90s but was turned away when John Bush took over. I considered them a dead band for more than a decade until just recently when people talked me into buying their latest output. And I have to be honest - it literally blew me away! Okay, it has nothing to do with old 'thrax days. It's really like two different bands. But everybody with an open mind and a weak spot for quality (Metal) music must admit that there are some truly remarkable songs on it. Anthrax are not done yet and y'all should check them out!
Thank God!

I was waiting so long for this! Even Charlie's family can't last in his band!
Charlie and Scott are such egomaniacs and have driven that band into
the ground.

The end of Anthrax is now.
Officer Nice said:
Thank God!

I was waiting so long for this! Even Charlie's family can't last in his band!

Holy shit! I forgot about that! Frank and Charlie are cousins right?
Officer Nice said:
Nah, Charlie is Frank Bello's Uncle!

So, it's Uncle Charlie and his nephew Frank Bello.
Charlie is Frankie uncle? Mamma mia, la Cossa Nostra.

Charlie: Frankie you show me no respect you don't call me Padrino.

Wyvern said:
Charlie is Frankie uncle? Mamma mia, la Cossa Nostra.

Charlie: Frankie you show me no respect you don't call me Padrino.


HA HA! I LOVE IT! Art clippage rules! I do that too! That's hilarious! LMAO.
sixxswine said:
No shit, I think Belladonna, Spitz, Lilker should get together & form the real Anthrax, I mean isn't there some kind of clause about the band with the most number of members can tour as the band? I think that would be funny....
That would fucking slay! Even though one if not two of those guys have gone mad...