Bello out of HELMET! ? !


Oct 4, 2005
Boston, MA.
I read on the HELMET website that their "Replacement" Bass player is now permanant, Could this mean Frankie is back in ANTHRAX for good? I hope so....I hope this means that ANTHRAX is ready to move full speed ahead...
(Hopefully with Joey B.)
No disrespect meant to Joey Vera, but if Bello is back permanently, I'm thrilled. His is a unique bass style that is almost a signature on Anthrax songs.
excellent news! Thrax need bello so much. He's critical for the Anthrax sound and the live shows. I couldnt imagine anthrax without him
One thing is shure Joey Vera was never gonna last in ANTHRAX! glad if bello returns, actually I hope they will remain in the current line up since it is IMO the best one!
i hope frankie is back for good too, i was gutted when he was kicked out....... very cool to see him back, he is just so good live, mental too, it wasnt the same seeing anthrax without frankie running all over the place screaming the place down , major rock balls :)
Yeah I was very sad when he left last year. Total bummer! Glad as fuck he's back now. Anthrax without Frank just wasn't doing it for me (no diss on Vera, he was great).

Although I do rememeber him saying in an interview somewhere that Page asked him to play bass on the new Helmet record so maybe he'll just session with them.
TripJ. said:
I read on the HELMET website that their "Replacement" Bass player is now permanant, Could this mean Frankie is back in ANTHRAX for good? I hope so....I hope this means that ANTHRAX is ready to move full speed ahead...
(Hopefully with Joey B.)

when Bello was the replacement player and now it is permanent..........then this means he's in Helmet;)
Just like we are unsure of what is going, so are the fans at Helmet. This is what someone posted on the forum:

"As far as other recent rumours, we have come very close to official confirmation that Frank Bello is out and Jeremy Chatelain is the new bassist for good (most recently supported by the apparent statement by Page at a recent show that Jeremy "will be my bassist until death", or something like that). We also got confirmation from Chris and Page that Chris is still in the band, just not on this tour because of Institute. Page has also mentioned going into the studio early next year to work on a new album, which would presumably be him, Chris, Jeremy, and John T."

Jeremy is the guy who was filling in for Frank, thus the reference to the "replacement" bass player. I guess we will find out soon enough. When I asked Scott in the chat, he said that he felt that Frank was here to stay. Frank is one of my favorite musicians and I will support whatever he does, but I really hope he stays where he belongs in Anthrax.
Yes I dig Frankie,

BUT Show some God Damn respect for Joey Vera he was there when Anthrax needed his help. Before the reunion they tore up Mejico and South America with him while Frank kicked ass in Helmet.
spacebeer said:
One thing is shure Joey Vera was never gonna last in ANTHRAX! glad if bello returns, actually I hope they will remain in the current line up since it is IMO the best one!
he was NEVER going to be full time. that was stated at the beginning when he came on board to FILL IN
An Anthrax show without Frank just isn't the same to me, and I honestly don't think it's because I was a huge fan long ago. It's because like "lokey" stated prior, Frank was and is a huge part of Anthrax's stage personna. He plays a HUGE part in getting the crowd going. He is straight up PURE ENERGY on stage. So, sorry HELMET fans.. but I'm glad Frank has returned!! An Anthrax show with the original line-up was always worth every penny I paid for the ticket.
Frank is a VERY underrated bassist imo. He's come up with some pretty inventive basslines over the years, and he locks in SO TIGHTLY with Charlie! Imo he's vital to Anthrax. Imo Scott and Frank are the best live performers in the band, and with Charlie are the heart and soul of Anthrax! :headbang:
Lordlindsey said:
Bello belongs in Anthrax.
But let's not throw Joey Vera under the bus. He's a great bass player and was an excellent 'hired gun' for Anthrax.

You know SOME great bass players have died that way!! What kind of sick fuck are you?

I spoketo Paige from Helmet on the phone on Monday night !! That dude rules !! I had free tickets to the Black Crowes and he was invited too but he had to make some flight in the morning. I said fuck it too. Fuck the Black Crowes. I'm seeing Anthrax tomorrow night !