Beneath the Planet of the Apes (spoilers!)

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... as of spoilers count for a 32 year old movie.

The good:

Lots of this girl:

Basically, an astronaut follows Charlton Heston to the future to find him, finds the Apes marching en masse into the Forbidden Zone, then they run, find the ruins of New York City where they find human telepaths who worship a special atom bomb, then the Apes attack, everyone gets killed, they set the bomb off, and the planet blows up.


There are still THREE more movies in the series.

Talk about absolutely friggin bizarre.

But did I mention this girl?
the funny thing is, the lead character was supposed to be Charleton Heston's character but he refused to return. Once they had re-written the script they begged him to do the small part they had written for the character of Taylor, and he agreed as long as his salary was donated to charity and they killed the charcter off (to prevent the constant begging of Fox execs for him to reprise the role)
Planet of the Apes is probably my favourite movie ever. Charlton Heston is a god. His cocky one-liners get me every time, plus that one scene where he's laughing out loud but his teeth are clenched together? Classic!

Check out Soylent Green for more Heston hilarity!
Originally posted by rhavin2112
the funny thing is, the lead character was supposed to be Charleton Heston's character but he refused to return. Once they had re-written the script they begged him to do the small part they had written for the character of Taylor, and he agreed as long as his salary was donated to charity and they killed the charcter off (to prevent the constant begging of Fox execs for him to reprise the role)

Yeah but they also killed Nova off, bastards! She was brought back for the remake, where she had a cameo as 'Woman in Cart.' Seriously.

I just watched Escape From the Planet of the Apes as well last night.

You have to admit, for all the failings of the movies as the series advances... so far they have not once approached ANYTHING resembling a happy ending. It must have been interesting leavign the theater on the first screening of opening day to see what people's reactions were to just being left hanging with everybody always dying and then them ending the movies. hehe.
Ah, I remember this movie from my days as a lad watching TBS. Tons of monster movies, cheesy Hong Kong kung-fu from the 70s, and the absolutely hilarious Planet of the Apes sequels :). Always made me laugh, though they all possessed tiny hints of the good parts that the original film had.
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