Berlin guys ...


Jan 4, 2008

I'm planning to take a trip to Berlin now in june.. and I've never been there before and know basically nothing about the place ..

Any tips regarding hotel locations, stuff to do/see etc?
I'm having a hard time understanding where the actual city center is, and I'm hoping to avoid staying at a hotel miles away from everything..

I hope some of you berlin-guys could tell me a thing or two .. :saint:
go to Alexanderplatz and visit the Fernsehturm, thats pretty cool. Checkpoint charlie is ok, you must check out "The story of berlin" museum, and do opt to go into the disused nuclear bunker.

There isn't much of a center as such, but you'll find most things I think near to the Reichstag, Brandenburger Gate and the Holocaust Memorial..

if you can try to make it to the small church and the Memorial and Documentation center at the Bernauer Strasse, and the Olympic Stadium.

Have a look about on the internet, there are lots of cool places in Berlin that are non war/post related too
I'm not from Berlin but my wife is and so I've been there a few times ...

Aside from a lot of the obvious things to check out like the Brandenburg Gate and all that stuff there is one of the coolest metal pubs called Paul's Metal Eck ... I can't remember exactly what street its on but I could find out later ... every city should have a place like that

Alexanderplatz is also a great suggestion just for walking around a checking out some cool places but beware the little beggar kids ... they remind me of those little bastards from the "Hostel" movies :D

As for hotels, don't know how fancy you like to take it but we just stayed at the Best Western on Frankfurter Allee ... nice room for a great price and pretty central location
thanks guys ;)

The idea was to just go and see SOAD live and stay for a day or two.. but it seems like it's gonna cost me the same if I stay 6-7 days because of the crazy price on the airline tickets..
if you wanna have some cool places to hang out at night, check out kreuzberg.. some really cool clubs and stuff, although i dont know what you're into... if i was there at that time, i'd defo buy you a beer (or a couple of beers) for your awesome ampsims... have some fun, dude!
I have to completely agree. I've been to a lot of places but Hamburg is still my favorite city

Mine as well!:Spin:
I've been to Berlin alot, as almost all my relatives live there.

I think most has been said already.
If you want to change it up a little, drive to Wannsee (southwest) and take a boattrip. Beyond the Grunewald, Berlin actually gets quite beautiful. :)