Best 3 vocalists of PPUSA XV

My ranking:

1: Nils Rue. Do I really have to explain? That man is a phenom.

2. Mike Eriksen. No, he wasn't part of the fest proper but I do not care. He is extraordinarily talented. The only time he did not blow me away was when he subbed for Roy Khan. He only had two weeks to prepare to his credit but he was not his usual damn-near album-perfect. I only wish he had better stage presence.

3. Ole Aleksander Wagenius. Holy shit! My singer friend was jealous of his sing-really-fuckin-high technique. He has a great voice and as Albert said I believe he is on his way to being a top-tier vocalist. He is quite young, 24 or 25 methinks, so he can only improve. He does have the tendency to go sharp but that greater control will come in due time.

I'd really love to put Tommy Karevik on here but I just can't. His voice was just not there for the Mercy Falls set. I know he didn't have adequate recovery time after his flight so I do feel for him. People say he redeemed himself in the morning but as I did not attend that show I can't contribute to that discussion. Tommy is a phenom with his control and that coloratura of his but he didn't do it for me this year.