best 80s pop band

well i can think of more duran duran songs off the top of my head than any other bands mentioned thus ill go with the crabby old ausie on this one.
Duran Duran are great, but there are too many to decide which one would be the best. I don't exactly like Tears For Fears.... Erasure? nah, Eurythmics.
N.L. never did mention he hates the 1980s so much, they give him heartburn, did he? That will explain the hiss, and this:
No Hope For The Wretched (My life plight)
Wendy O topped her self.
Rebirth ,do have any more of those sites like
I got some great music from there.Zappa Zappa Zappa
The Plasmatics and the Mentors as pop? Gonna trow DRI and the Descendants on the list too, then? I think old school punk with those bands.

I vote Depeche Mode and the Cure