Best All times James Murphy Solos

I particularly enjoy the ones in Chopped In Half, Cause Of Death, Infected, and Body Bag from Cause of Death. Cause of Death was one of my first death metal CD's (along with Sound of Perserverance), so I'm guessing that's why. It was also my first exposure to James, which I will never forget.

Please don't hurt me for this question.. But the only James I have is Testament, Death, and Obituary and I enjoy him immensely. Where should I go from there? Love prog rock/metal.. so maybe I should check out Explorer's Club. What's James' solo stuff like?
His Leads on Testaments Trail of Tears are Amazing IMO! and his work on the Entire Cause of Death album is Incredible! ... which is why he Ranks right up there with Criss Oliva on my Favorite Guitar player list!
opeth_evan said:
I particularly enjoy the ones in Chopped In Half, Cause Of Death, Infected, and Body Bag from Cause of Death. Cause of Death was one of my first death metal CD's (along with Sound of Perserverance), so I'm guessing that's why. It was also my first exposure to James, which I will never forget.

Please don't hurt me for this question.. But the only James I have is Testament, Death, and Obituary and I enjoy him immensely. Where should I go from there? Love prog rock/metal.. so maybe I should check out Explorer's Club. What's James' solo stuff like?

First of all, I prefer prog, tech and melodic power metal to death, black metal etc, so perhaps I dont belong to this forum. Still, I bow in front of James - he is one of the greatest guitar players I've ever heared!

Convergence is amazing, no, it is AMAZING!!! :worship: album, it was my fav recording for more than two years, and it made me look for something similar, and I ended up in the prog and prog-metal world :D - believe or not but this is true! I would rate this album by 95/100, and I would rate Feeding the Machine by 75/100, and I would rate the work with Testament by 55/100 because I dunno luv the style :ill: but Convergence is something special and outstanding, and one of best guitar recordings ever! It is heavy and it is spiritual, and it is inspiring, and it is original, always changing, and it is very hard to play, and - not the least - it is very tasty! And - the drummer is nobody less than Dean Castronovo, and he kicks ass :headbang: !!! And - yep, the vocal tracks make the whole thing even bigger.

Touching the Earth, Convergence, Tempus Omnia Revelat (my latin is weak!) are true jewels, but there are no weak tracks in this one. Buy it now !!! If You like the other work by James Murphy - buy it! If You dislike it - buy it! If You don't like metal at all - still buy it! That's it!
Hmmm, as was said before, I dont think there is ever a BAD James Murphy solo but one of my favourites is the solo in Inoculated life-Gorguts...Just made me jaw drop when I 1st heard it. But for more emotional types of solos, all of SHADOWS FALL!! God damn, that rules. Keep up the good work James.
the solo on SINCE FORGOTTEN.

that 10 seconds of the solo is one of my favorite guitar parts of all-time.
me and my friend air guitared that part about 200 times in a row playing PS2 with total Eddie Van Halen drunk face impersonation. he then proceeded to try to tell devin townsend how sick it was while recording with him up in vancouver but i think devin was more into talking about his vocals to care. haha

im sure theres more technical solos people love as guitar players but the melody of those 10 seconds is so goddamn bad ass.

i love the use of delay and whammy to intro into it... so epic sounding... then the squeal bends with the 3 muted notes back into the squeal, the into that run? seriously disgusting. that thing gives me goosebumps.

i think i just appreciate the warmness and melody of all of the solos. great style that you can easily pick out a mile away.
Well, I've been lurking here off and on for a while. I guess it's about time I posted something. James has always been one of my favorite guitarists, but sadly, I haven't heard any of his work since Disincarnate. I used to be really into the death metal scene back in the early 90's but then my life took a turn away from music and I sort of fell off the train. Now I'm looking around dumbfounded because I've missed so much. I think that my finding of this place is a step in the right direction to getting me back into the music that I've always loved.

But back to the point... For me, I don't know that I could pick a favorite James Murphy solo. All of the ones I've heard rip! However, I'd say that the solos on the Cause Of Death and Spiritual Healing albums are the ones that I've listened to the most over the years.

It might sound kind of cheesy, but thanks for doing what you do James. It is appreciated.
Most of the guitar work on Low is awesome. Trail of tears fucking rules.

Plus James' playing on live at the fillmore, the accuracy he got on the Skolnick solos is amazing, and he did it without sounding like he's just "playing someone elses solos".

I tend to have a thing for the epic build of ballad solos, so my favorites are "Touching the Earth" and "Trail of Tears." Learning these solos in my formative years was REALLY DIFFICULT and stretched me as a guitarist bigtime!
Well I'm not too familiar with James' work (that's changing as I retroactively get more and more into Testament stuff) but the solo he did on Nevermore's 'This Godless Endeavour' was definately ass-kickin.
James Murphy said:
One of my personal all-time favorite solos is the Time Enough solo i did following Petrucci on the Explorer's Club - Age Of Impact cd. i'm also very partial to alot of what i did on the new Foreign Objects CD, " Universal Culture Shock ". My guest solo on the new Firewind album also still makes me smile when i hear it.

I am RIGHT with you on that one, mate!

:headbang: - YEAAAAAAHHH!!
Yeah, I guess I will be echoing a lot of what has already been said here but when something is badass...its badass! My first introduction to James (and still favorite) was his work on Low and his lead playing absolutely was awe-inspiring. He immediately became one of my alltime favorite players. After I heard Trail of Tears, I remember thinking "Skonick who?". ;) Just from that album, I can ALWAYS pick out something James has done. He has his own style, sound, and melodic sense...James is truly a players player...badass. Looking forward to hearing more from him.

Cheers James!!