Best amp modeling?


Jul 27, 2005
Split, Croatia
hello everyone,

I have recently began building my little home studio. Nothing much, but I hope it will be enough to record some solid demos and I will be able to improve it during time. The thing is I don't plan to buy a good amp for some time but insted I have decided to get a PODxt (after I've heard some recordings done with it). However the salesman at the music store has suggested Roger Linn's Adrenaline II and he swears it has the best amp modeling he has ever heard. Another dillema is at hand and that's why I'm asking to hear your oppinions on this Adrenaline product.

Moonlapse said:
For high gain tones, the freeware Guitar Suite plug-in has no competition.

I don't know anyone who records with guitar suite... Do you have any sample to share?... i don't mean just a guitar sample though, but a full mix.