Best Commercial?


Apr 16, 2002
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this is kinda different, but whats your favorite commercial?

i think mine is an ameritech commerical- they had to change there "phone service" and they showed how they changed there coffee machine. it was hialrous. the coffee machine was shooting shit every were, hitting people and nocking a guy out the window.
its a classic.:grin:
Many of the Heineken commercials kick arse. I love the latest one, where the guy finally relents and gives the woman "the last" Heineken from the fridge...only because he notices his buddies carries 4 new cases into the party. It's titled "The Perfect Gentleman" :lol:
It was for a cellular phone company & this reporter dude was asking this lady what she asked her hubby to bring home for her. She asked for shampoo but because of the static on the phone he brought her Shamu the killer whale instead!:lol:
Originally posted by markgugs

Yet you took the time to read it and post in it. Hmmm....:rolleyes:
yet i was hoping that something interesting would popup when i would read the whole thread but no...and i posted because i made my opinion to be heard
i like the telemarketer one where the dude goes to the telemarketers office and smashes his phone. fosters beer commercials were funny. and vanilla coke is really tasty.