best Halloween heavy metal?

How about ranking the songs "Halloween"?????

Here would be my order:
The Misfits
King Diamond
Samhain (ok, technically Halloween II)
Dead Kennedys
I would rank Misfits just after King D and leave Samhain out of it, but otherwise I agree.

One of my favorite metal songs that isn't Halloween specific but really captures the feeling for me:
Bathory - 13 Candles

Not metal, but Alice Cooper is always great to listen to this time of year. "Welcome To My Nightmare", "I Love The Dead", "He's Back", etc.
Don't forget the following

Scream Dream them song from the guessed it "Scream Dream"
Rocktober Blood has a great sound track played by a band called shadow
Also Devils Son by D.C Lacriox off the movie Hack o Lantern aka, Death Mask, aka Halloween Night
Slasher Dave from Michigan writes interesting horror themed rock/metal type stuff, just released a 7 inch called Lunatic, plus has at least 2 albums available on cd and lp mediums called Spookhouse and the other is Tomb of Horror, think he also did a sound track for a movie called Chubbies haha have not heard that yet. Plus you can't go wrong with any of the Goblin (ITL) soundtracks, they did some great ones, Dawn of the Dead and Susperia for example.

All these are great around Halloween Time!