Best instrumental metal albums?

Cool suggestions, here are some of my favorites:

Vinnie Moore - MIND'S EYE
Joey Tafolla - OUT OF THE SUN
Vitalij Kuprij - HIGH DEFINITION
Greg Howe - GREG HOWE
Mary Friedman - DRAGON'S KISS

There are also a ton of great instrumentals off albums
that are predominantly vocal based but I'll leave those
for another thread...
I think Apocalyptica should, hell yeah. :kickass:

For me....

Satriani, Flying In A Blue Dream or The Extremist
Steve Morse, High Tension Wires
Ozric Tentacles, Erpland or Live Underslunky
LTE 2 (sometimes 1, depends on my mood)
Vitalij Kuprij, High Definition
Steve Vai, Passion And Warfare

Dangit, I'm forgetting something really good in my collection, I just know it.....
Jake E. Lee - A Fine Pink Mist

Anomaly - S/T...prog/rock/jazz/fusion/metal released in 2000 l think...very good stuff that got brought to my attention from a jazz site l frequent.
Anomaly | Anomaly

Maximum Indifference - The Transmutations of Supposed Angels: or beings that were once girls... l can't say enough about this group to justify how good l think they are. Their debut is good too.
:: M A X I M U M I N D I F F E R E N C E :: NEW
Personally, I think Alien Love Secrets mops the floor with Passion and Warfare.

It's too bad cacophony's singer was so wretched. If you just threw out his vocal tracks youd have a couple pretty damn solid instrumental albums.

Jordan Rudess's Feeding the Wheel is probably a close second fav to ALS
Congrats Satch!

Guitarist Joe Satriani is up for a Grammy Award this year in the category Best Rock Instrumental Performance (for solo, duo, group or collaborative performances, without vocals) for the track 'Super Colossal'. This includes Rock, Hard Rock and Metal, singles or tracks only. He is up against ARCTIC MONKEYS, THE FLAMING LIPS, Peter Frampton and David Gilmour.

In other news, Satriani makes an appearance in the new Christopher Guest (and company) film, For Your Consideration. He is "the cheeky guitarist in the Late Night Show band." His screen time features a cloe-up and last about 20 seconds. The scene revolves around character Ms. Hack's ( Maureen O'Hara) first TV appearance after undergoing some cosmetic surgery. > News
.......and Yanni LatA!

OK, I’ll admit to having this one in my collection as well. :)

My first choice would be “Occulus Infernum” from Van Helsing’s Curse…although I suppose this CD technically doesn’t qualify because of the background vocals from the “Druids”.

My other top choices feature musicians from the metal world, but I wouldn't consider the CDs themselves to be “metal”:

An Evening with John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess
Michael Pinnella (SymX) – Enter by the Twelfth Gate
O2’L (Jane & Al Pitrelli) – Doyle’s Brunch

Also, Blue Man Group was mentioned on another thread, and I have a couple of their CDs as well. I saw BMG perform in Vegas back when they were at the Luxor, and the live show is an absolute blast! :rock:
After having listened to Bumblefoots albums...

Sure he, like some of Vais, includes a bit of singing on songs, but Bumblefoot at times is something else. He also has great compositions. 9.11 being my favorite album by him so far, but I need to check out Hands.