best mix ive done yet

Nice mix dude...

So far, the vocals strike me as too loud and too upfront... also, i would have a look at that kick, since i think it's a bit thin... could use more low end, less click in my humble opinion.

oh yeah, perhaps the snare could be a bit less dry/wetter...

The rest sounds cool man, good stuff.
Sounds quite good, here's my thoughts:

Kick sounds a bit plasticy. Maybe try another sample that's a bit rounder. Snare could use some body, punch in your stomach. Vox are too upfront, sounds like you EQed a lot of highs in, sounds unnatural. Guitars are a bit fizzy, probably not much you can do about that.

In general the mix has quite a lot of highs, a bit tiring on the ears.
-The snare could use some work, check the production tips subforum and look for "snare EQ tips"
-Lower the vocals and make them a tinny bit duller.
-Change the kick
-Work on the lowend of the guitars and bass. You might need to sue a multiband comressor, or some subtle subtractive EQ.